On Thursday, 14 September 2017 16:00:35 UTC+1, Inigo Barreira  wrote:
> Well, finally this is a business and I donĀ“t think none on this list is 
> working for free. At the end everyone has his/her salary, etc. But that was 
> not the main reason because getting included in the root programs takes time 
> but wanted to provide our customers which gave us support for what happened 
> with the distrust (which IMHO in the case of Startcom was very aggressive) a 
> solution generating a new fresh and clean system.

I can't speak for other people contributing to m.d.s.policy but of course I am 
not paid to do this. I have a job, but it isn't this. I have never asked my 
employer's permission to contribute here, judging it to be entirely outside 
their purview. My job does include running a (small, private) CA, but then it 
also includes maintaining a DBMS, a web crawler and all sorts of other stuff, 
I'm sure it would be possible to identify some connection to my job for almost 
any technical contribution I could make anywhere.

There is an proverb in English, I am not sure if you're familiar with it, "More 
haste, less speed". What this means is that in trying to perform a task as 
quickly as possible you may instead cause yourself such extra trouble that in 
the end the task takes even longer to complete. I am sure that even if you have 
not come across a phrase like this before you can see its applicability to the 
situation for StartCom.
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