On Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 12:06:50 PM UTC-5, Gervase Markham wrote:

> Does anyone have stats on HPKP prevalence and duration distribution?
> Ideally combined with whether the longer time periods are pinning to
> roots, intermediates or EE certs?
> Gerv

Of the 1.97M unique domains scanned by the Mozilla Observatory, 10559 of them 
utilize HTTP Public Key Pinning with at least two pins. Here are the twenty 
most common max-age settings for those domains:

Number of Domains    max-age
5480    2592000
2060    5184000
724     31536000
314     15768000
168     86400
144     7776000
138     604800
129     1296000
127     10
122     15552000
112     3600
83      300
73      63072000
70      51840000
64      60
42      600
30      0
30      1209600
27      259200
20      864000

30 days in the most common setting, followed by 60 days. If you cap max-age at 
1 year to limit outliers, the average max-age normalized by the number of 
domains is 70.83 days. You can see the entirety of the data here, if you want 
to play around with it:


Please let me know if there's anything else I can get you!
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