can you please sign the PDF files on that site?

the very first page of CPS_eidas_EN_v_1_2_3.pdf says
"Document valid only in digital format digitally signed by the Policy Authority"

but the PDF that i was offered to download is not signed and was delivered via 
a plain http link, are those working draft versions and not final?

I also looked at a few of the older/other versions published there:

CPS_EN_v_3_3.pdf - PDF not signed but that phrase is not present either.

CPS_eidas_v_1_2_1_EN.pdf - (april 2017) same phrase is present on the first 
page but the PDF file is not signed.

CPS_eidas_EN_v_1_1.pdf - (nov 2016) - signed PDF (and that phrase is not 

Adrian R.

On Tuesday, 27 March 2018 12:42:50 UTC+3, ramiro...@gmail.com  wrote:
> New versions of CPS are being published today in our WebSite.
> http://www.camerfirma.com/en/area-de-usuario/jerarquia-politicas-y-practicas-de-certificacion/
> CPS-EIDAS (2016 root) v 1.2.3
> CPS (2003 2008 roots) v.3.3
> Regards
> Ramiro
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