On 03/31/2018 09:53 PM, Tim Smith wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 6:28 PM, Michael Casadevall via
> dev-security-policy <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> Thanks for taking a look. My understanding of Rapid7's methodology [1,
> 2] is that they knock on well-known ports. The services they emit data
> for are pop3/s (110, 995), nntps (563), mqtt (8833), ftps (990),
> smtp/s (25, 465, 587), and imap/s (143, 990).
> I consumed their published data set and didn't perform any scanning

Ah, I misread, I thought you had done the scanning directly. Still, it
was good to take a look at this, and I'm looking through Rapid7's docs
on how to play with the data set myself.

>> When you say roots included to Mozilla trust store, how was this used
>> exactly? I see you used X509Validator, but did you just throw all the
>> NSS PEMs or did you remove the ones that are technically constrained?
> I used the certifi distribution [3], which is aware of "included but
> distrusted" [4]. The certificates were "validated" naively without
> considering e.g. path length or name constraints; certificates failing
> those constraints would certainly be interesting but hopefully rare.

Hrm, I might have a weekend project here. I've always been curious to
what extent technical constraints actually affected things. I may need
to download their data set and play with it somewhat.

>> I'd also be interested in see or graph that shows how many
>> certificates chain up to a given root.
> Sure; would you like to see that because it would help sanity-check
> the data, or because it might reveal differences vs. certificates used
> for HTTPS, or some other reason?

Partially for non-HTTPS usage, but I also wanted to see the
cross-section of how much "diversity" there was in how much of the
internet chains of a specific root certificate.

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