On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 10:31 AM Nick Lamb via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> CA/B is the right place for CAs to make the case for a general rule about
> giving themselves more time to handle technical non-compliances whose
> correct resolution will annoy customers but impose little or no risk to
> relying parties,

CAs have made the case - it was not accepted.

On a more fundamental and philosophical level, I think this is
well-intentioned but misguided. Let's consider that the issue is one that
the CA had the full power-and-ability to prevent - namely, they violated
the requirements and misissued. A CA is only in this situation if they are
a bad CA - a good CA will never run the risk of "annoying" the customer.

This also presumes that "annoyance" of the subscriber is a bad thing - but
this is also wrong. If we accept that CAs are differentiated based on
security, then a CA that regularly misissues and annoys its customers is a
CA that will lose customers. This is, arguably, better than the
alternative, which is to remove trust in a CA entirely, which will annoy
all of its customers.

This presumes that the customer cannot take steps to avoid this. However,
as suggested by others, the customer could have minimized or eliminated
annoyance, such as by ensuring they have a robust system to automate the
issuance/replacement of certificates. That they didn't is an operational
failure on their fault.

This presumes that there is "little or no risk to relying parties."
Unfortunately, they are by design not a stakeholder in those conversations
- the stakeholders are the CA and the Subscriber, both of which are
incentivized to do nothing (it avoids annoying the customer for the CA, it
avoids having to change for the customer). This creates the tragedy of the
commons that we absolutely saw result from browsers not regularly enforcing
compliance on CAs - areas of technical non-compliance that prevented
developing interoperable solutions from the spec, which required all sorts
of hacks, which then subsequently introduced security issues. This is not a
'broken windows' argument so much as a statement of the demonstrable
reality we lived in prior to Amazon's development and publication of
linting tools that simplified compliance and enforcement, and the
subsequent improvements by ZLint.

Conceptually, this is similar to an ISP that regularly cuts its own
backbone cables or publishes bad routes. By ensuring that the system
consistently functions as designs - and that the CA follows their own
stated practices and procedures and revokes everything that doesn't - the
disruption is entirely self-inflicted and avoidable, and the market can be
left to correct for that.

> I personally at least would much rather see CAs actually formally agree
> they should all have say 28 days in such cases - even though that's surely
> far longer than it should be - than a series of increasingly implausible
> "important" but ultimately purely self-serving undocumented exceptions that
> make the rules on paper worthless.

I disagree that encouraging regulatory capture (and the CA/Browser Forum
doesn't work by formal agreement of CAs, nor does it alter root program
expectations) is the solution here.

I agree that it's entirely worthless the increasingly implausible
"important" revocations. I think a real and meaningful solution is what is
being more consistently pursued, and that's to distrust CAs that are not
adhering to the set of expectations. There's no reason to believe the
"impact" argument, particularly when it's one that both the Subscriber and
the CA can and should have avoided, and CAs that continue to make that
argument are increasingly showing that they're not working in the best
interests of Relying Parties (see above) or Subscribers (by "annoying" them
or lying to them), and that's worthy of distrust.
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