On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 8:19 AM Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On 10/12/2018 18:09, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 6:16 AM Buschart, Rufus via dev-security-policy <
> > dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello!
> >>
> >> It would be helpful, if the CA/B or Mozilla could publish a document on
> >> its web pages to which we can redirect our customers, if they have
> >> technical questions about this underscore issue. Right now, I can only
> tell
> >> them, that they are forbidden because the ballot to explicitly allow
> them
> >> failed, but not really why. Especially since the first result in Google
> for
> >> "underscore domain name" is a StackOverflow article (
> >> https://stackoverflow.com/a/2183140/1426535) stating that it is
> >> technically perfectly okay and also RFC 5280 says "These characters
> >> [underscore and at-sign] often appear in Internet addresses.  Such
> >> addresses  MUST be encoded using an ASN.1 type that supports them."
> >>
> >
> > There's definitely been a lot of back and forth on this topic. It's
> unclear
> > if you're looking for a clearer statement about why they're forbidden or
> > where they're forbidden.
> >
> It is clear that Rufus is looking for a link to the deprecation ballot,
> rather than the old (failed) non-deprecation ballot.

Thanks for sharing your interpretation. I don't think that is an accurate
summary, but it's useful to understand your perspective and how you
interpret things.

> > If the question is where they are forbidden,
> > https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-
> >
> >     When the subjectAltName extension contains a domain name system
> >>     label, the domain name MUST be stored in the dNSName (an IA5String).
> >>     The name MUST be in the "preferred name syntax", as specified by
> >>     Section 3.5 of [RFC1034] and as modified by Section 2.1 of
> >>     [RFC1123].  Note that while uppercase and lowercase letters are
> >>     allowed in domain names, no significance is attached to the case.
> In
> >>     addition, while the string " " is a legal domain name,
> subjectAltName
> >>     extensions with a dNSName of " " MUST NOT be used.  Finally, the use
> >>     of the DNS representation for Internet mail addresses
> >>     (subscriber.example.com instead of subscri...@example.com) MUST NOT
> >>     be used; such identities are to be encoded as rfc822Name.  Rules for
> >>     encoding internationalized domain names are specified in Section
> 7.2.
> >
> The huge mess comes from the fact that this requirement of not
> using the underscore character (which is actually used in some
> RFC-specified DNS names labels, though for special purposes) was
> buried in a complicated reference to two old RFCs, each of which
> in turn describe that particular restriction in a complicated and
> indirect way.

I find your summary interesting. I presume, then, that you feel that the
need to use DNS is buried in complicated references to old RFCs, much as it
would be how HTTP works or, for that matter, how ASN.1 works. It's
certainly true that, as we build complex systems, we stand on the shoulder
of giants, and as we build code and systems, we layer them. I think it's
rather misguided and ignorant to suggest that, because a document is
referenced by another document, it somehow becomes complicated, or that the
age matters. Were that the case, we'd presume the Baseline Requirements
would include everything from the IP specification to the ASN.1
specification, and everything in between, and then lament at how anyone is
supposed to understand or maintain the salient bits of this 10,000 page

Furthermore, Section of RFC5280 applies only to
> SubjectAltNames, not to DNS names placed directly in the Subject
> Distinguished Name in the certificate.  Thus this particular
> restriction on DNS names to which certificates can be issued only
> became effective as a side effect of deprecating TLS certificates
> without SubjectAltNames.

If you're speaking to this side-effect being placed in 20 years ago, yes,
sure, then it's a side-effect, and the industry has had nearly twenty years
to contemplate the implications. The use of commonName within the context
of TLS was very much a 'hack', emerging both from the lack of X.509v3 (and
it's generic extension mechanism) and a repurposing of an existing OID in
the absence of the X.500 Global DIT (with would have otherwise set the
formatting restrictions). But it is inaccurate and revisionist to suggest
that this was a restriction on DNS names expressed through certificates -
as the underlying restriction itself comes from the host name form. That
is, 5280 is restating existing policy, not introducing new policy, in the
hope that people would understand, rather than entrench deeper into their

This made it completely unclear to most people that DNS labels
> with underscores were not permitted in certificates.  Thus the
> restriction was not widely known outside the CA/root program
> discussion groups until the rapid sunset was announced in November.

This is equally and demonstrably wrong. This discussion goes back years, as
do the relevant standards discussions. I understand why there may be a
vested personal interest in this narrative, but it's not an accurate one.
The discussions over Ballot 202 - which themselves go back some time - and
the ultimate resolution provided clear statement about the present

> > [ABNF omitted here]
> >
> >
> Note that this ABNF is one of only two places expressing the
> restriction that is now being vigorously enforced 30 years later.
> And that ABNF isn't even applicable due to RFC1123.

This is an interesting argument to make, and while it sounds compelling, is
rather demonstrably weak. It's a poor suggestion that the legitimacy of a
requirement is based on the number of times or places it is specified, and
similarly to suggest that somehow it's not relevant for the discussion,
when the requirement calls out explicitly both 1034 and 1123 to draw
attention to the fact that 1123 modified 1034.

The weakest part of this argument is that it can be perfectly applied to
arguing that neither BER nor DER make sense.

That's because restrictions/requirements on encoding BER are only expressed
in one place (X.690), and because the requirements of DER supersede (but
integrate) those of BER, we can say the requirements on BER aren't even
applicable due to DER.

> > The labels must follow the rules for ARPANET host names.  They must
> >> start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as interior
> >> characters only letters, digits, and hyphen.  There are also some
> >> restrictions on the length.  Labels must be 63 characters or less.
> >
> And this paragraph is the second place, which is also not entirely
> applicable due to RFC1123.
> The prohibition of "_" is expressed solely by not mentioning it as
> permitted.

Here, we've moved from "isn't even applicable" to "not entirely
applicable", a subtle shift in the broad statements. While it's true that
1123 modifies 1034, 5280 is at pains to explicitly call that out, so it
hardly supports the argument that this is somehow new and novel. And it's
interesting that the choice is that because it's a positive statement
(permitted characters), not negative statement (prohibited), it's somehow
more difficult.

I'm curious, would the same lament apply to string types (which are defined
in terms of their permitted characters), protocols like IP (defined in
terms of their permitted semantics), or things like ASN.1 (defined in terms
of permitted values)?

The reality is that the arguments in favor of permitting it have always
been weak, and it's always been clear that it was not permitted. The
argument constantly being advanced seems to circle around a few things:
1) I shouldn't have to read multiple specifications to implement complex
   - A poor argument, given that CAs have seemingly managed 'OCSP' or 'RSA
keys' (both separate specifications) on the implementation side, and seem
to have no problem producing overlapping CP/CPS (and RP agreement and
Subscriber agreements and a host of other documents) that somehow are meant
to define their systems
2) I don't understand why I should have to follow the specification
  - An inquisitive and questioning mind is a good thing, but obstinate
intransigence is hardly that
3) It only told me what I was allowed to do, not what I wasn't allowed to do
  - An approach that relies on understanding everything explicitly
prohibited is not a good approach for running critical Internet security
systems. A blacklist does not address security in the way that a whitelist
does. Unless it explicitly says something is permitted, the assumption
should be it's prohibited. If you even have to question - "It might mean
this" - it's something to be discussed publicly and clarified
4) OK, I acknowledge it was wrong, but now people are counting on me to
keep doing it
  - The requirements on the Subscriber Agreement, and in the BRs, exist for
a reason. Since the beginning, the certificate ecosystem is one that has
expected agility - if something is misleading to RPs, it MUST be revoked.
It's the fundamental tradeoff of the PKI, which, similar to Kerberos,
allows severing of the RP<->CA online conversation for attestations, but
requires that the Subscriber<->CA channel be reliable (or, in Kerberos,
that the User<->KDC channel is reliable, allowing the severing of the
Server<->KDC channel)

There's zero point in trying to litigate this. It does not change the fact
that it was not permitted and has never been, and more importantly, reveals
an approach to security that's fundamentally incompatible with the Internet
scale. That's not to say no ambiguity exists whatsoever in these documents
- we should strive to clarify that whenever possible - but there's a vast
gulf between reasonable and unreasonable interpretations. If anything,
these areas of confusion are only revealed through greater transparency -
whether of certificates or practices - and those affected by this issue,
whether CAs or Subscribers, should instead be focused on how to bring about
greater transparency in policies and practices. By doing that, areas of
reasonable confusion can be identifed, and meaningful transition plans can
be applied.

But suggestions that this was somehow "hurried", when it was discussed for
years, is just factually and demonstrably wrong. And regardless of whether
customers of certain CAs understood it, the CAs themselves were expected
to, and the fault lies with them.
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