(Writing in my personal capacity)

One of the things that I think is important is to tease out factual predicates 
that could be grounds for exclusion. It's clear to me that there is a 
tremendous level of unease with DarkMatter, largely (though not exclusively!) 
as a result of the Reuter's article. Being able to articulate which conduct 
described there is incompatible with participation in the Mozilla Root Program.

I propose two answers (to start with :-)):

First, is honesty. Even as we build technologies such as CT and audit regimes 
which improve auditability and accountability, CAs are ultimately in the 
business of trust. https://twitter.com/josephfcox/status/1090592247379361792 
makes the argument that DarkMatter has been in the business of lying to 
journalists. Lying is fundamentally incompatible with trust.

Second, is vulnerability exploitation. The Reuter's article describes use of 
the "Karma" malware/exploits against iOS. It's difficult for me to imagine 
anyone in the business of using iOS 0days that doesn't also have a few Firefox 
exploits up their sleeve (possibly in the form of Tor Browser 0days). This is a 
leap, but not a big one. Using Firefox 0days in the wild (particularly against 
the sort of targets alleged: human rights activists, journalists, etc.) is not 
compatible with Mozilla's mission, or our parochial interest in the security of 
our own software.

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