I mean country location of the individual doesn't matter. They could be for
example be using a VPN to connect to Google Cloud instance and get a
certificate that way.

Thank you,


On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 4:53 PM James Burton <j...@0.me.uk> wrote:

> Let's Encrypt issues domain validation certificates and anyone with a
> suitable domain name (e.g. .com, .net, .org .... ) can get one of these
> certificates just by proving control over the domain by using the DNS or "
> /.well-known/pki-validation" directory as stated in the CAB Forum baseline
> requirements. Country location doesn't matter.
> Thank you
> Burton
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 4:29 PM Matthew Hardeman <mharde...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 10:20 AM Matthew Hardeman <mharde...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Let's Encrypt does not quite provide certificates to everyone around the
>>> world.  They do prevent issuance to and revoke prior certificates for those
>>> on the United States various SDN (specially designated nationals) lists.
>>> For example, units of the Iraqi government or those acting at their behest
>>> may not receive Let's Encrypt certificates.
>> Whoops!  I meant to say the Iranian government.
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