On 5/1/20 9:48 AM, Corey Bonnell wrote:
Hi Kathleen,
Thank you for sending out this notification of the draft survey. I have briefly 
reviewed and would like to ask what is the intent of Item 4 and the associated 
sub-items? The Browser Alignment draft ballot is under discussion in the CAB 
Forum, so the intent behind the shift of the location of discourse to the 
Mozilla forum is unclear.


Hi Corey,

We do not intend to shift the location of the discourse.

The intent of Item 4 and the associated sub-items in our survey is to help Mozilla with the specific questions/concerns that we have about the ballot, so that we can use input from CAs in our program to recommend changes to the draft. It is relatively easy to tack our questions about this draft ballot onto our CA Communication/survey, and the results will give us the data we are currently lacking.

Currently some of my concerns about the draft of the ballot have no data behind them. While I think it is good to add many of those items in the ballot to the BRs, I am concerned about the effective dates of "immediately" or "Sept 1". I don't want to end up with a bunch of cert revocations caused by effective dates that should have been changed while the ballot was in draft form. I also don't want to see the entire ballot fail just because we didn't have the data to reasonably update the draft of the ballot.

Note: There are some items in the ballot that we (Mozilla) might request be removed, but that input will be provided by Mozilla's CABF representatives (Ben and Wayne) directly into the CABF discussion forum.

I will greatly appreciate your thoughts on how to better ask the questions in item 4 of our survey, to clarify our intent, and be able to get the data that we seek.

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