Sorry, I only just got to the workweek graphics meeting notes :-).

Servo will need to support 2D canvas, and it requires something like Moz2D.
So I think you're stuck with it or something like it.

I'll talk to Bas etc about fixing some of the resource management issues
your notes allude to in Moz2D. I think there are some things we can easily
improve there.

>    - martin: Now for fixed pos elements, it looks like overflow is
>    calculated as if the display port is at 0,0. Does that seem correct?
>    - pcwalton: For fixed position elements, they get a separate layer, so
>    you can use 0,0 and it should be fine... maybe check via mail to the
>    mailing list on what to do there so we can ask roc and/or bz? I don't know
>    what the right thing to do with position:fixed is off the top of my head.
>    - pcwalton: I think you're going to always want to render all
>    position:fixed things and never cull them out. So, how do we know to
>    descend into elements that contained fixed position things. Maybe we should
>    just have a list of them on the root, since that's their containing block
>    anyway and always go into the unconditionally. You want to descend into
>    containing block that intersect with the viewport. In this case, it's the
>    root, so you'll always want to.
> I'm not really sure what the question is. In Gecko the overflow area for
an element, er frame, is relative to the frame's own origin. position:fixed
content doesn't move relative to the viewport but we do compute its
overflow area based on the displayport bounds; this might be overkill but
it is sometimes necessary, e.g. during async pinch-zoom-out.

We mostly avoid culling involving position:fixed content, to make async
scrolling work, but we did find one case is important: where a
position:fixed element covers the entire viewport, we cull everything
behind it.

Another issue related to this is that getting 'opacity' and other container
effects to work properly with position:fixed and other out-of-flow content
is tricky. Consider e.g.
<div style="opacity:0.5">...<div style="position:fixed">...</div>...</div>
In Gecko we identify the out-of-flow content that is visible by traversing
special child lists for the abs-pos, fixed-pos etc children of a containing
block/viewport. But we can't paint them there and then because in this
example the fixed-pos content must be rendered as part of the in-flow
opacity:0.5 div (arbitrarily far away in the frame tree). So, after
identifying the OOF content we need to draw, we set flags to ensure our
frame-tree traversal descends down to the placeholder whether or not it's
on-screen, and build display items for the OOF content in the context of
the placeholder.

I hope some of this is helpful...

oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
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osoaoyoso,o o‘oYooouo ofooooolo!o’o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
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