> You seem to have a lot of confidence in MoCo's ability to support a
> project on its own, and very little confidence in the Rust ecosystem
> to maintain its chosen solutions. It seems very unlikely that Rust
> projects will move to NSS over OpenSSL or *ring* once bindings for NSS
> are available and mature enough; you also seem to evaluate the current
> state of rust-openssl and *ring*/rustls against some future where NSS
> bindings exist, discounting any progress that the other projects will
> make in the mean time..

The current openssl bindings are not good. Take a look at Servo's
openssl related bugs for some examples. As far as I know the Rust
community is not super interested in fixing this, or at least it
hasn't happened yet. With most of the big players abandoning openssl
in general, it is easy to see why this might be the case. The Servo
community could invest in these bindings, but if we're going to divert
resources, then the natural question to ask is how best to utilize

NSS has been going strong for years powering both Chrome and Firefox
for years. Chrome has recently switched to BoringSSL. Unlike Boring
and other projects, it is very stable.

So yes, I have some confidence that NSS will continue to be maintained
and stay stable for some time, and very little of this is blind faith
in my employer.

If NSS bindings are more ergonomic, provide a better build experience,
and are well maintained, why wouldn't the Rust community use them over
the openssl bindings? You imply that the Rust community has chosen
openssl as the best solution somewhere, but I think the fact it has
been used so far is happenstance. Someone made openssl packages and
everyone else used those because they were there. The point of this
thread is to discuss the tradeoffs of different solutions.

One potential benefit of NSS is that it could fix the deficiencies of
the openssl solution that exists now in the Rust ecosystem. Another is
that products built in Rust that don't trust young crypto code have an
option that is well known. It's possible the Rust ecosystem will not
be attracted to NSS, and it's also possible that everyone will have no
trouble shipping rusttls.

I am not discounting the progress other projects may make, and I
sincerely hope to see pure Rust solutions for all parts of Servo some
day. However implementing crypto code and protocols is a lot more
difficult than writing bindings to an existing API, and it seems
reasonable to imagine that NSS bindings will be completed in a short
amount of time.

> It may be comfortable from a MoCo perspective to rely on MoCo
> staff/funding, but this mostly feels like "no one ever got fired for
> buying IBM". Wouldn't it be great if Mozilla and the Rust community
> actually aligned to advance and mature Rust crypto?

How are we not aligned here? Servo has existing issues with openssl
that we'd like to solve, and there are several possible solutions. The
proposal suggests we choose the one that seems most likely to be
available in the short term, and making sure that the work doesn't
preclude adopting a different solution down the road. On top of that,
Diane has been collecting data for feedback to rusttls, ring, and
webpki on what features we're waiting on. This is really no different
than any of the other situations we've been in where we've adopted
some non-Rust dependency (freetype and font-rs are perhaps a good
parallel, but without the unique trust component of crypto/protocols).

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