I'm all for it, though I seem to recall there was some issue about
needing two versions of Rust? How will we support the two different
pinned versions (one for ./mach build and one for ./mach


On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:41 AM, Simon Sapin <simon.sa...@exyr.org> wrote:
> In https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/11361 we’ve discussed using
> rustup.rs to bootstrap Rust and Cargo.
> With https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/19213 landing soon, I think the
> last blocker is resolved.
> One proposal has been to use rustup when available, and fall back to our
> existing mechanism when not. However I think rustup is well-established
> enough these days and I’d like to go further: make it a requirement and
> remove our code that duplicates rustup’s functionality: downloading and
> extracting tarballs, juggling toolchain versions, etc.
> mach would make sure to run cargo/rustc/etc. through rustup
> (https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustup.rs/issues/1293), and set the
> $RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN environment variable to select the appropriate toolchain
> version. Recent versions of rustup now download missing toolchains
> automatically.
> We’d document instructions for installing rustup in our README, and again an
> error message when mach cannot find a `rustup` executable.
> The `system-rust = true` configuration would remain available and run plain
> `cargo` or `rustc` like before.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Simon Sapin
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