On 12/27/2017 06:57 AM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:

For what it's worth, I found the Bluetooth dependencies quite hard to deal
with when I tried to get Servo to compile on (somewhat older) CentOS VMs.
Maybe building without Bluetooth doesn't necessarily have to be a supported
configuration, but could still be supported best-effort by interested

That's fair, but the way to do that IMO is stubbing the
platform-specific bits. We used to have platforms where we didn't have a
bluetooth back-end, and we used to mock them, see [1].

Does that mean that web pages see the api as exposed, but it doesn't work? I guess the mock can "fail gracefully" and expect web sites to process errors properly but in practice...

Doing it that way is way less intrusive (and adding an optional feature
unconditionally opting into it is probably not much work).

That's very different than what was proposed in this thread I think,
which is compiling out all the DOM code in Servo related to
WebBluetooth, which seems much more intrusive to me.

That's true, but there are also reasons for giving more control on which device apis are built as part of Servo: - The embedder may want a minimal web renderer without increased api surface.
- The embedder may want to limit on disk size and memory overhead.


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