Hi All!!!,

I wrote a code that incorporated the following functions amongst
SECU_GetModulePassword (called by PK11_SetPasswordFunc)

I had tested this code earlier as .c code and it was running fine. The
I modified it into .cpp code. Their relative position in the code has
not changed: I only modified the function declarations etc to make the
function calls work.. Now the above three functions are throwing up
the following linker error:

Error   ErrorNumber     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "char *
__cdecl SECU_GetModulePassword(struct PK11SlotInfoStr *,int,void *)" (?
SECU_GetModulePassword@@YAPADPAUPK11SlotInfoStr@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced 
function "public: int __thiscall ClassName::FunctionName(unsigned
short,char *,char *,int)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

Linker Error 2019(The compiler is unable to find the function
definition) occurs with all the three functions mentioned here.

All of these functions are declared in secutil.h(and defined in
secutil.c). The definitions of these functions is contained in
sectools.lib which I have included properly.
As a check, I even tried including secutil.c in the project but it
still throws the same error.

I cannot figure out what went wrong...
Kindly help.

Warm Regards,
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