On Wednesday 16 July 2008 15:08:15 Frank Hecker wrote:
> ...
> We are doing what we can. However by design we do not simply
> "rubber-stamp" CA requests. We have an official policy which was
> developed through a process of community consultation, and we follow a
> similar process of community discussion when considering CAs. We do have
> more people now working on CA-related tasks (unlike previously when I
> was the only person, and could do it only part-time). However the
> process will never be quick IMO.

Frank, is there any reason why you can't have multiple candidate CAs having 
their "public discussion periods" simultaneously?

Having watched this list for a number of months, I think I'm right in saying 
that you're only allowing one at a time...in which case, how is having "more 
people now working on CA-related tasks" actually improving your overall 

Rob Stradling
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