Ian G wrote, On 2008-10-20 22:41:
> Nelson B Bolyard wrote:

>> It is widely agreed that, since KCM has no central revocation facility,
> KCM is not central, period.  Talking about revocation is a strawman.

I should have said "central revocation SERVICE".  Sadly, it DOES have a
central revocation facility now, a central source for that awful 10MB
file that every KCM user must now use.

>> Further, new KCM keys should be tested against those files before being
>> added to the user's trusted list.  This has given rise to the proposal
>> to add code to do that to the browser.  But the prospect of adding such
>> enormous CKLs to browser downloads seems to be unacceptable to nearly
>> everyone in Mozilla land.
> What has this got to do with KCM?  Is KCM being used to create keys
> now?  Or are you saying that the KCM module has to now test all the
> PKI keys too?

If you're going to have the browser use KCM for SSL servers, then the
browser has need of a revocation method for KCM, just like SSH does,
and that presently means dragging around that 10MB file.

>> I think that says that KCM really must be relegated to the uses that
>> really don't care about MITM, not even in the least tiny little bit.

> Nelson, you sound really bitter about this.  SSH has protected
> people for a decade or more.  If you can't see why that is, well,
> perhaps you can at least see that people are not abandoning it, and
> it will be protecting for another decade.

I know that lots of SSH users have still never downloaded the 10MB
file+program package and run it locally.  Yes, I know why they cling
to SSH, even though they do not use the Debian Key Finding program/file.
It's because they don't understand the danger, and simply like the warm
and fuzzy feeling they have from using SSH in blissful ignorance.

>> Personally, I have no such uses.  I have no need for encryption that is
>> vulnerable to MITM, but evidently lots of people think they do.

> If your choice is to pay that cost, yourself, that's fine.  

Pay?  Just what is that cost?
The cost of a cert from a free CA?
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