On Saturday 06 December 2008 06:33:13 Frank Hecker wrote:
> * SECOM Trust doesn't currently support OCSP. OCSP is not (yet)
> mandatory for EV, so this is not an issue from a policy perspective.
> IIRC this will not pose a technical problem either, as long as EV certs
> issued by SECOM Trust don't have an AIA extension with OCSP URL.

That assumes that https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413997 will not 
be implemented before such time as SECOM Trust do start to support OCSP.

> * SECOM Trust had one caveat on their EV audit, having to do with their
> not performing certain background checks on staff. As noted in Kathleen
> Wilson's summary document (attached to the bug), this is apparently a
> side-effect of Japanese laws and regulations, and not a substantive
> problem.
> I suggest reading Kathleen's summary document to get an overview of this
> request; thanks again to Kathleen for preparing these!
> For this request and subsequent requests I'm going to adopt a suggestion
> made by Eddy a little while back: Rather than having a two-week
> discussion period divided into two phases, I'm going to have a single
> one-week discussion period. After that week, if there are no outstanding
> issues relating to the request then I am going to go ahead and
> officially approve it.
> However if there are outstanding issues that in my opinion are relevant,
> then I'm going to postpone further consideration of the request. This
> will allow time to try to get the issues resolved, after which we can
> start a new public discussion period.
> Frank

Rob Stradling
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