This is going to sound rather stupid of me, but I'm going to ask this anyway:

is there any possible potential DER-encoded message which will begin
with the string "-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----"?  If there isn't, might I
possibly suggest that requiring DER in this location and manner will
do absolutely nothing to heighten security, and will only make it that
much more difficult to figure out what a given bunch of data is
supposed to be?

Why is Firefox insisting on a specific encoding of the data, rather
than being flexible to alternate, unconfusable, common encodings?

Yes, it's base64-encoded DER.  OpenSSL can handle them (granted, with
the '-inform PEM' option) without issue.

-Kyle H

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 10:39 AM,  <> wrote:
> I apologize for the confusion. I was mentally mistaking the error code
> ffffe009 for fffe095.
> In regards to the CRLS
> I have just tried the two CRL’s again, and see that the error is
> indeed ffffe009 which corresponds to error code -8183 which would be
> “Security library: improperly formatted DER-encoded message.” As per
> The likely issue is that the CRLs are encoded PEM and need to be
> changed to DER.
> Kathleen
> --
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