
Thank you for writing the meeting notes.  I will also be out next week.

NSPR 4.8.7 Beta 2 looks good.  The only additional patch I may include
in NSPR 4.8.7 is the second patch in

Re: NSPR IPv6: for reasons I don't remember and can't find in CVS
history, Darin Fisher and I decided to not use the AI_ADDRCONFIG flag
when we updated NSPR to use getaddrinfo().  Not using AI_ADDRCONFIG is
causing performance problems in some computers.  So there is a recent
push to use AI_ADDRCONFIG.  The only problem I know of with
AI_ADDRCONFIG is that it may prevent you from connecting to
"localhost" in some computers.  So after we change NSPR to use
AI_ADDRCONFIG, we will need to deal with the potential "localhost"
problem.  But the "localhost" problem is less serious than the
performance problem of not using AI_ADDRCONFIG.

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