On 2012-01-05 02:45, Robert Relyea wrote:
>> I am curious as to how smartcard management is supposed to work for Linux. 
>> It seems to me that it would be ideal for Firefox to support the shared DB
>> on Linux. Are there OS-level tools for managing the shared DB.
>>  For example, is there an OS-level UI for adding/removing PKCS#11
>> modules in Fedora/RHEL that would make Firefox's UI for this redundant?

> System level PKCS #11 modules (installed by the administrater) are
> stored in /etc/pki/nssdb, user level pkcs #11 modules (installed by the
> user) are stored in ~/.pki/nssdb . User level application load both the
> system modules and the user modules. Now this works under the covers is
> described here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/NSS_Shared_DB_And_LINUX

Doesn't Gnome Keyring essentially shoot for the same target?

-- Anders
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