On 05/17/2012 07:40 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
My understanding was that a principle of the "Mozilla way" of doing app
stores is that we wanted a variety of stores - anyone can set one up,
and stores would compete on ease of use, etc. We are not trying to set
up a third monopoly store alongside the iTunes store and Google Play.
For this to work, stores should be able to collect web apps and offer
them to people.

However, the manifest value "installs_allowed_from" seems to work in
entirely the opposite way; how could a new player enter the app store
space if none of the existing apps could be installed through their store?

Or have I missed something?

Could the team explain the purpose of this value? What security concern
prompted its inclusion in the manifest format?

Fabrice already covered the security concern, we give more power to the app developers than the app stores in this particular case. As an app developer, I should have full control over which stores are able to sell my app.

An app author is free to skip the field entirely (it is optional), or specify "*" to allow installation from any store.

I think this has no effect on the openness of the Apps ecosystem.

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