On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 11:02 PM Dylan Hutchison <dhutc...@cs.washington.edu>

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Christopher <ctubb...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Okay, so after some investigation (
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-12252), it appears that
> > notifications@ is simply configured to block email from non apache
> > addresses.
> >
> > So, I have three possible solutions, if the Accumulo devs wish to receive
> > build notifications from my instance of Jenkins:
> >
> > 1. I use my personal ASF creds on Jenkins to send build notifications as
> > myself.
> > 2. The Accumulo project request the configuration of notifications@ to
> be
> > changed to allow non-apache addresses.
> >
> #2 sounds ideal to me, if possible.  Sending build emails to dev would
> drive some people to un-subscribe.  On the other hand, people that sign up
> for notifications@ are asking for it.
My reason for being reluctant to pick #2 as my preference was that I don't
know what additional burden that might place on the moderators. Plus, INFRA
(or, at least Gavin, on that ticket and in HipChat when I thanked him for
clarifying) seemed pretty satisfied with the existing conventions of being @
apache.org only. I'd prefer to conform to Foundation-wide conventions when
it comes to infra stuffs, whenever possible. I know how much work it is on
INFRA to constantly ask them for special requests which diverge from the
norm, especially when they are managing so much already.

Breaking conventions within our community like #3 posed would be preferable
to me, rather than breaking Foundation-wide infra conventions. But, you're
right that it could annoy subscribers. If I remember correctly, Commons is
one community which does this, sending build notifications to their dev

> Another option is a new email list.  It doesn't even have to be
> ASF-affiliated.  It could be some list you personally create that many
> Accumulo devs personally decide to sign up for.
That's possible. I could set up a list specifically associated with that
Jenkins server. It already has an RSS feed, which might be better, though,
if people want to subscribe to builds that way. The main purpose of me
setting it up was to provide direct feedback to this community, though,
rather than force folks to go seek out that feedback. If the RSS feed is
sufficient for people, then that would save me some trouble, though... it's
certainly the easiest thing to do (nothing).

Plus, it is also putting notifications in IRC. So maybe, RSS+IRC is more
than enough.

> 3. I configure Jenkins to post to the dev list (if possible).
> >
> > My preference in order is #3, then #2, then #1 last.
> >

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