Two minor suggestions:

* Strike the "A member of the Apache Nifi PMC" part. The fact that Tony was NiFi PMC member isn't really relevant to the request, is it? IMO, if anything, it's more relevant that Tony is a contributor to Accumulo. * There isn't any discussion about what is coming next -- we have the 1.7.4 release, but no details about what's in the pipeline.

On 4/7/18 10:19 AM, Michael Wall wrote:
The Apache Accumulo PMC decided to draft its quarterly board
reports on the dev list. Here is a draft of our report which is due
by Wednesday, Mar 11, 1 week before the board meeting on
Wednesday, Mar 18. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
I plan to submit it late on the 10th.



## Description:
  - The Apache Accumulo sorted, distributed key/value
  store is a robust, scalable, high performance data storage system that
  features cell-based access control and customizable server-side
  processing.  It is based on Google's BigTable design and is built on
  top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.

## Issues:
  - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
  - There was 1 new release, Accumulo 1.7.4, since the last report.
  - There were 4 new committers since the last report.  All committers
  are also PMC members.
  - The PMC decided to switch to using github issue for the project
  and all subprojects.
  - The PMC decided to drop support for Hadoop 2 in the Accumulo 2.0.
  - A member of the Apache Nifi PMC requested permission to use the
Accumulo logo on t-shirts and/or stickers to promote projects he uses.
VP Brand Management and the PMC had no objections.

## Health report:
  - The project remains healthy.  Activity levels on mailing lists, git
  and JIRA remain constant.

## PMC changes:

  - Currently 34 PMC members.
  - New PMC members:
     - Adam J. Shook was added to the PMC on Wed Jan 24 2018
     - Mark Owens was added to the PMC on Tue Mar 20 2018
     - Luis Tavarez was added to the PMC on Tue Mar 20 2018
     - Nick Felts was added to the PMC on Thu Mar 22 2018

## Committer base changes:

  - Currently 34 committers.
  - New commmitters:
     - Adam J. Shook was added as a committer on Wed Jan 24 2018
     - Mark Owens was added as a committer on Wed Mar 21 2018
     - Luis Tavarez was added as a committer on Wed Mar 21 2018
     - Nick Felts was added as a committer on Sat Mar 24 2018

## Releases:

  - accumulo-1.7.4 was released on Thu Mar 22 2018

## Mailing list activity:

  - Nothing significant in the figures

## JIRA activity:

  - 65 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
  - 101 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

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