Note: removed user@ list and added dev@ list. Preparing the board
report is a PMC responsibility, and we decided to prepare it publicly
on the dev mailing list, but it's probably not something most users
care about, and we should avoid spamming the user list with PMC
business, so that way users subscribed to that list for announcements,
bugs, and peer help won't feel the need to unsubscribe due to
unrelated activity.

The report looks fine overall to me. Two notes:

* If we have a link to the hackathon, that might be good to include,
in case the board wants more details on that.

* The phrase "The mission of Apache X is the creation and maintenance
of software related to" that prefaces the project description is
probably a bit redundant and unnecessarily, since it applies to every
ASF project, and delays the point. Have we had such a prefacing phrase
before? It might be good to try to get directly to the point in the
description, since the board has to look at dozens of these each

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 5:10 PM Ed Coleman <> wrote:
> The Accumulo community has agreed to draft the quaterly reports using the 
> maling list.
> Sorry for the late notice on this - I had a vague notion that this was 
> upcoming, but didn't realize until the first email today from Apache that it 
> was due so soon.  Please, if you have any suggestions on Project Activity or 
> Community Health - I find writing those sections particularly difficult. I go 
> from things are fine to writing release notes and have trouble striking the 
> right balance or even if I've included the relevant info.
> I'll incorporate comments as received and will submit on Friday to meet the 
> deadline.
> Thanks.
> Ed Coleman
> ---- begin report ----
> ## Description:
> The mission of Apache Accumulo is the creation and maintenance of software
> related to a robust, scalable, distributed key/value store with cell-based
> access control and customizable server-side processing.
> ## Issues:
> There are no new issues requiring board attention.
> The trademark issue with is still open until the
> domain expires on 2021-06-28.  No action has been required and allowing the
> domain to expire was deemed a viable option by Brand Management VP to minimize
> volunteer efforts.
> ## Membership Data:
> Apache Accumulo was founded 2012-03-21 (9 years ago)
> There are currently 39 committers and 39 PMC members in this project.
> The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
> Community changes, past quarter:
> - Karthick Narendran was added to the PMC on 2021-01-22
> - Karthick Narendran was added as committer on 2021-01-22
> ## Project Activity:
> No new releases this reporting period. Last release dates:
> - accumulo-2.0.1 was released on 2020-12-24.
> - accumulo-1.10.1 was released on 2020-12-22.
> Project activity on the next release remains active with significant
> improvements to the current baseline. The remaining issues are being actively
> worked.  Highlights of changes this reporting period:
> - Removal of problematic process names to more inclusive terms.
> - Formalization of public API. Previously, certain internal classes were
>   necessary for users for some functions (iterators) - the interface has been
>   extracted and formally declared as part of the Accumulo public API.
> - Internal improvements handling threads and exceptions to improve reliability
> - Accumulo community agreed to participate in an upcoming OSS virtual
>   hackathon (April 29-30) The goal of the hackathon is to kick-start
>   involvement in the OSS community and foster an environment for contributions
>   and increase the diversity of the OSS communities.
> ## Community Health:
> Overall community health is good and activity remains consistent.  Decreases
> in Jira (-65%) and dev mailing list activity (-53%) reflect the community
> transition to using GitHub as a focal point for development.  This is
> reflected in the increased activity for PRs and GotHub issues.
> - contributions from 14 individuals reflecting continued community involvement
>   and consistent participation.

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