thoughts and comments inline


On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 5:10 PM Ed Coleman <> wrote:

> The Accumulo community has agreed to draft the quaterly reports using the
> maling list.
> Sorry for the late notice on this - I had a vague notion that this was
> upcoming, but didn't realize until the first email today from Apache that
> it was due so soon.  Please, if you have any suggestions on Project
> Activity or Community Health - I find writing those sections particularly
> difficult. I go from things are fine to writing release notes and have
> trouble striking the right balance or even if I've included the relevant
> info.
> I'll incorporate comments as received and will submit on Friday to meet
> the deadline.
> Thanks.
> Ed Coleman
> ---- begin report ----
> ## Description:
> The mission of Apache Accumulo is the creation and maintenance of software
> related to a robust, scalable, distributed key/value store with cell-based
> access control and customizable server-side processing.
> ## Issues:
> There are no new issues requiring board attention.
> The trademark issue with is still open until the
> domain expires on 2021-06-28.  No action has been required and allowing the
> domain to expire was deemed a viable option by Brand Management VP to
> minimize
> volunteer efforts.

Probably want to link to the mailing list.  There are new boards members
that haven't seen this and those that have may not remember

> ## Membership Data:
> Apache Accumulo was founded 2012-03-21 (9 years ago)
> There are currently 39 committers and 39 PMC members in this project.
> The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 1:1.
> Community changes, past quarter:
> - Karthick Narendran was added to the PMC on 2021-01-22
> - Karthick Narendran was added as committer on 2021-01-22
> ## Project Activity:
> No new releases this reporting period. Last release dates:
> - accumulo-2.0.1 was released on 2020-12-24.
> - accumulo-1.10.1 was released on 2020-12-22.
> Project activity on the next release remains active with significant
> improvements to the current baseline. The remaining issues are being
> actively
> worked.  Highlights of changes this reporting period:
> - Removal of problematic process names to more inclusive terms.
> - Formalization of public API. Previously, certain internal classes were
>   necessary for users for some functions (iterators) - the interface has
> been
>   extracted and formally declared as part of the Accumulo public API.
> - Internal improvements handling threads and exceptions to improve
> reliability
> - Accumulo community agreed to participate in an upcoming OSS virtual
>   hackathon (April 29-30) The goal of the hackathon is to kick-start
>   involvement in the OSS community and foster an environment for
> contributions
>   and increase the diversity of the OSS communities.

I would highlight the diversity part, maybe using the subject from Billie's
email and start with something like
"- The Apache Accumulo PMC agreed to participate in an Open Source
Hackathon for Diversity..."
and then again include a link (

> ## Community Health:
> Overall community health is good and activity remains consistent.
> Decreases
> in Jira (-65%) and dev mailing list activity (-53%) reflect the community
> transition to using GitHub as a focal point for development.  This is
> reflected in the increased activity for PRs and GotHub issues.
> - contributions from 14 individuals reflecting continued community
> involvement
>   and consistent participation.


Most of the time the board is going to say they don't want statistics from
issues and lists, they want our interpretation of those statistics.  When I
look at the reporter stats at, what I see is a
decrease in mailing list traffic to dev and user, but a marked increase in
commits, issues closed and a slight increase in PRs.  Clearly work is
happening, so the conversations must be in the github tickets and pull
requests.  I believe we setup that to go to notifications@accumulo.a.o, and
the reporter shows a 42% increase in that mailing list

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