Hi Christopher,

I do understand that some of the things Apache requires from its projects may 
seem obsolete and outdated.
However, I can assure you that this is usually not the case. We have in the 
past just done a bad job at relaying the reasons why some things are important.
That’s also something we are currently trying to improve.

So, the thing is … the “binding” is important. One of the main pillars of 
Apache is the legal shield. This protects our contributors from prosecution.

This is done by contributors signing ICLAs which hand over the rights and 
obligations of code they produce to the ASF. As the ASF is bound by Delaware 
corporate law, technically the board has the right to decide things. It can 
however decide to delegate things to others it seems fit. That’s why the board 
creates PMCs and nominates PMC members (of course upon request). With this the 
board delegates the duties for releasing software that’s in line with the 
project mission to that PMC. That’s also the reason why projects are still 
required to send the notice emails to the board when nominating a new PMC 
member … we’ve introduced the shortcut of you folks adding people to the PMC 
and sending the notice in parallel, but this email that many think are 
unnecessary is required, because otherwise it’s no longer the Board who 
delegates to the PMC.

Same with releases: Releases are an act of the foundation and that’s how the 
legal shield works. Only votes by PMC members are acts of the foundation … 
that’s also why there must be at least 3 binding votes … otherwise it would 
just be an “act of Chris” (I’m also a Chris ;-) ). The committers and 
contributors technically have absolutely no say (from a legal standpoint) on 
what’s an act of the foundation and what’s not. Therefore the “binding” and 
“non-binding” is important.

Now you say: Of course, do we do the checks and of course are we a small PMC 
and of course do we know who’s binding and who’s not. However, keep in mind, 
that people outside of the PMC don’t know this.
I didn’t start doing these very thorough checks every month because I wanted to 
invest so much time. Initially I started reading the board reports, maybe 
asking a question or two and then signing them off … however did I learn quite 
quickly that these board reports don’t always reflect reality. So, what I 
usually do each month for 1/3 of all projects the ASF has, is to go through 
everything each project has been doing over the last 3 months and double check 
the things that many projects have been doing wrong. I know that my job as a 
director is executing oversight over the many projects that we have. For me 
it’s not just skimming through the reports and clicking on the “approve” 
button. I actually have a detailed look at what’s going on in the foundation 
and unfortunately every month there are something around 10 projects that prove 
that it was good to do so.

Releases being a very large portion of what projects have been doing wrong: Not 
waiting the 72h for regular releases, releasing with only 1 or 2 votes at all 
(cause “we don’t have enough PMCs active”), mixing binding and non-binding 
votes (cause the RM decided to treat them equally). The list is quite long.

Releases are crucial to the ASF, and we really need to be sure that were doing 
them right. That’s also why I’m checking them in so much detail.

So please forgive me, that I don’t blindly trust every project that they are 
doing everything right. I think I would be doing a bad job if I was doing that. 
That’s also why I started writing hopefully friendly “personal feedback” emails.

By simply adding a “binding” in the result email you at least tell me that you 
have paid attention to the difference of binding and non-binding votes (believe 
me … there are projects that don’t understand the difference) and in that case, 
I usually don’t validate the correctness if I don’t have a reason to doubt it. 
You are just making things easier for people doing unpleasant jobs like 
investing 2-3 full working days (mostly on the weekend and after work) each 
month with nothing else than having 2-3 coffee and reviewing the projects 

Thanks, and sorry for the many words in this email ;-)


Von: Christopher <ctubb...@apache.org>
Datum: Montag, 15. Januar 2024 um 00:21
An: accumulo-dev <dev@accumulo.apache.org>
Cc: cd...@apache.org <cd...@apache.org>
Betreff: Re: Personal feedback on your last release vote-thread
Hi Christofer,

I've seen other projects do this and I disagree that it's useful for us to do 
that on each vote.

First, we are a relatively small community of active committers and typically 
already aware of who among us is in the PMC and who isn't.

Second, aside from a few emeritus PMC members, all our committers are also PMC 
members. And we have a relatively low barrier to entry. So we only have a 
handful of active contributors who aren't PMC members at any given time, and 
we'd notice if they voted, or if somebody we didn't recognize tried to vote.

Third, on the rare occasion when a non-committer votes, they usually specify 

Fourth, and most importantly, specifying that a vote is binding doesn't make it 
binding. What makes it binding is if the voter is a PMC member. If the release 
manager who tallies the vote isn't already aware of who is a PMC member or not, 
it would be their responsibility to check, regardless of what the voter said 
about their own vote, and the tally is subject to review by all for correction. 
So, specifying it doesn't actually help at all. It just adds noise. I actually 
think that specifying it is counter productive, because the release manager 
could start relying on what the user said instead of doing their due diligence 
to verify when they tally.

Speaking frankly, I don't personally find it useful, and I'm most often the one 
lately who steps up to be a release manager for our votes. I verify every time 
who is on the PMC list, regardless of what people say in their vote, as I 
consider it the responsibility of whoever tallies the vote to get an accurate 
count, and I would do the same to verify the tally if somebody else were to do 
it. I think this practice of declaring a vote binding is one of those strange 
customs that has worked its way into some projects because somebody did it once 
and others copied it without questioning it's value. But I have questioned its 
value and find it to be without any.

As for mentioning it in the RESULT email, if there are both kinds of votes, we 
do mention the non-binding ones separately. In our last RESULT email, however, 
I merely said that it "passes with 6 +1s". Since we are aware that only binding 
votes can cause a vote to pass, it is clearly implied that they were binding. 
Ultimately, this comes down to trust. If you trust that we tallied the vote 
correctly, then mentioning they were binding votes is merely redundant. 
However, if you don't trust that we did it correctly, or just want to double 
check, then you should not merely accept what we said and should check each 
vote regardless of what we said, just as you did. In either case, explicitly 
specifying that they were binding doesn't actually help, I think

Regardless, thank you for double checking our tally and for providing this 
feedback. If it helps, we can try to be more clear in the RESULT emails with 
some redundancy, but I think it's strange to trust a count more just because of 
the presence of redundant phrasing. If I were to audit a vote, I'd check the 
count, regardless of how it was phrased. I also don't think it's useful at all 
to ask all voters to specify it in their individual votes, for the reasons 
stated above, especially that it's a potentially harmful custom if the release 
manager relies on it.

Kind regards,

On Sun, Jan 14, 2024, 10:14 Christofer Dutz 
<cd...@apache.org<mailto:cd...@apache.org>> wrote:
Hi all,

while reviewing the project's activity as part of me preparing for the upcoming 
board meeting, i noticed that in the last vote thread, there were only simple 
+1 votes and no mentions of them being binding votes or not. Even if this is 
quite common throughout project, it would be good, if in the result email they 
would explicitly be mentioned as binding votes, if they were counted as such.

I currently had to check each name with the PMC list in order to check that 
they were all actually binding votes.


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