I checked the Maven POM file, and the lineEnding setting for "unix" is
there in the *unix-bin.xml* file.  However, it looks like the unix scripts
are also included in the *windows-bin.xml* file, but this time they are set
to lineEnding "dos".  That's probably where the bug is coming from.

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Jim Gomes <e.se...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1.  I like that solution.
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Hiram Chirino <hi...@hiramchirino.com>wrote:
>> The maven assembly plugin's descriptor should support specifying which EOL
>> style to use when it adds the file to the distribution archive.  That
>> would
>> be my preference.  That way folks can still edit the source files in the
>> format most natural on the dev platform, but still get the correct EOL
>> conversion in the final distribution target.
>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Jim Gomes <e.se...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello All,
>> >
>> > In the ActiveMQ repository, we have a few platform specific script files
>> > for launching ActiveMQ on (Li|U)nix platforms.  Specifically, the
>> > *activemq* and
>> > *activemq-admin* script files.  Currently, most, but not all, of these
>> > files have been flagged in Subversion to have the'*eol-style: native*
>> > meta-attribute.
>> >  This is intended to auto-convert the platform EOL convention, and then
>> > always store it in the repository as LF-only EOL.  However, this
>> creates a
>> > problem when building ActiveMQ on a Windows machine which will
>> subsequently
>> > be deployed on a (Li|U)nix box.  Those script files will have the wrong
>> EOL
>> > character, and will not run.
>> >
>> > What I am proposing is to change the Subversion meta-attribute to
>> > *eol-style:
>> > LF* to always keep these files in their platform-correct format.
>>  Likewise,
>> > the Windows platform files (*activemq.bat* and *activemq-admin.bat*)
>> should
>> > be flagged as *eol-style: CRLF*.
>> >
>> > Thoughts and comments?
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Jim
>> >
>> --
>> **
>> *Hiram Chirino*
>> *Engineering | Red Hat, Inc.*
>> *hchir...@redhat.com <hchir...@redhat.com> | fusesource.com | redhat.com*
>> *skype: hiramchirino | twitter: @hiramchirino<
>> http://twitter.com/hiramchirino>
>> *
>> *blog: Hiram Chirino's Bit Mojo <http://hiramchirino.com/blog/>*

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