It sounds great !



On 07/08/2014 04:31 PM, Clebert Suconic wrote:
Hi all,

My name is Clebert Suconic, I'm the project lead for the HornetQ JMS broker
( The HornetQ team is currently in the planning
phase for the next release of the broker and we've been thinking about
whether it would make sense for us to collaborate more closely with the
ActiveMQ community.

There is a lot of overlap in the capabilities of the two brokers today and
it strikes us that it would be beneficial to both communities for us to join
forces to build one truly great JMS broker rather than spend our time
duplicating efforts on both brokers. ActiveMQ has a great community of
developers and users and it'd be great to be able to consolidate our work

My understanding is that the Apollo sub-project aimed to provide a basis for
the next generation of ActiveMQ, addressing some of the current limitations.
Perhaps HornetQ could be an alternative. HornetQ has some good performance
and scalability numbers as well as support for JMS 2.0. It already supports
STOMP today and adding support for OpenWire would be straight-forward and
would provide continuity for existing clients. Essentially, the goal could
be to combine the existing flexibility of ActiveMQ with the performance of

Anyway, these are just some initial ideas, for now I'm really just
interested to know how the ActiveMQ community would feel about a donation of
the HornetQ codebase.

Thanks and best regards,

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

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