No objection from my side.


On Nov 1, 2017, 07:07, at 07:07, "Michael André Pearce" 
<> wrote:
>Hi All,
>I would like to create an apacheactivemq twitter account, to increase
>the presence there. Similar to other Apache projects have.
>It is possible to make a group account so would propose in the account
>I would add all known committers tweet accounts to it, I believe all
>become admin on doing this to avoid one person being admin, (and simply
>if I miss you/don't know your tweet handle just msg to get added if
>The idea is we can tweet about releases, blogs, features and retweet of
>anything activemq.
>Before doing this I want to check there is no strong objections, as
>noted many other apache projects already do this. If none I would look
>to setup end of the week.
>Sent from my iPad

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