Github user mtaylor commented on the issue:
    @jostbg The point is, if you want the broker to create something for you, 
then the broker needs to know what to create.  I used JMS clients as an example 
as they are usually specific about what they want, the same thing can happen in 
other protocols.  In the JMS case the client sends the broker the information 
it needs to create the appropriate queue with some additional bits of info.  
The JMS client doesn't say, hey I want a durable queue with these properties 
(except the CORE client as it's tied to the Artemis implementation).  Instead, 
say the QPID AMQP client says, hey I want a JMS Durable Subscription.  It does 
this by setting some special JMS AMQP properties.  The AMQP protocol handler 
reads these properties and decides how to interpret them.  In some cases these 
get translated to durable queues, in others they are translated to non-durable 
queues.  Artemis has a underlying model that is protocol agnostic, so things 
are translated from API/protocol specifics down to the und
 erlying model.
    Coming back to your comments on  
    There are two meanings of durable.  Durable in the context of a 
subscription (which is tied to the consumer connection life cycle), and durable 
in the context persistence (tied to the broker life cycle).  The reason you are 
seeing some queues be durable and others not, is because this is how the JMS 
spec is implemented using the underlying Artemis model.  An non-durable 
subscription means that the client only gets messages while it's connected.  If 
the server crashes, the client isn't connected anymore. 
     In this case, the spec says, its fine to lose all the messages.  For this 
reason there's no point creating a durable queue.  In the JMS Queue (ANYCAST) 
scenario we need a durable queue because the messages outlive the subscriber 
connection life cycle.  This is also true for durable subscriptions.
    Regarding your comment on misconfiguration, yes you can do that, but you're 
specifically overriding broker behaviour to do something else.  You're welcome 
to do this, but you have to be aware that you are breaking protocol/API 
contracts by doing so.


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