As Pieterjan said, Sphinx allows us to have documentation for each release,
which is a useful feature to have and we should try and keep it. However,
if we are creating a new website then one of the side goals for
accessibility should be a consistent theme throughout the website. Does
Hugo and Sphinx have overlapping theme templates that could allow us to
have both?

On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 6:50 AM Pieterjan De Potter
<> wrote:

> I think this is a great idea.
> The current website consists of a single HTML page, which indeed makes
> it more difficult to maintain, contribute to and link to content.
> I'm also in favor of using a static site generator to generate HTML out
> of Markdown. Hugo seems to be one of the most (if not the most) popular
> ones around, but I personally haven't used it yet.
> Are there examples of other Apache sites using Hugo?
> The documentation has already been converted to Markdown by Joe Fagan
> and Josh Innis. Currently, Sphinx
> ( is used to generate HTML pages.
> In the current setup, multiple versions of the documentation can be
> generated, which is not yet possible with Hugo as far as I could find
> (
> Best regards,
> Pieterjan
> On 10.02.22 15:02, Nicholas Sorrell wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I wanted to propose that we overhaul the website (
> to make it easier to contribute to, easier to modify, more extensible, more
> accessible, and easier to optimize for searching and performance.
> >
> > When I created the site, there were a couple of a factors in the design
> decisions:
> >
> > Time - we were racing to get something done and presentable before a
> conference the team was presenting at. This meant creating a site with
> minimal "flare."
> > Libraries - when we built the site way back then, we weren't sure what
> 3rd party libraries we could incorporate. We weren't sure if Apache had
> rules limiting the use of them, so we chose to use no libraries. This also
> impacted the site (negatively in my opinion).
> >
> > Since then, we've seen other Apache sites using 3rd party libs and we
> now have time to redesign the site. I propose that we redesign the site
> using Hugo. This gives us the ability to utilize Markdown, which is much
> more accessible for contributors, and also offers more extensibility
> through themes and plugins. I think it could also make the process of
> generating the docs easier but I haven't fully investigated that.
> >
> > Another negative about the current website is linking to content.
> Because of the way that I've utilized anchors to show/hide content, this
> keeps the URL slug the same no matter where you go, which makes it
> difficult to share, for example, a "Getting Started" page with someone.
> >
> > So in summary, here are the potential benefits I see:
> > + easier to modify: because the content is written in markdown, it is
> easier for people change existing pages without knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS
> > + easier to contribute: again, because we will use markdown for content,
> it is easier for people to contribute new content
> > + more extensible: because Hugo has a large ecosystem, we can tap into
> the work of others
> > + more accessible:  this redesign will also have a focus on
> accessibility so all users can engage with the content
> > + better SEO:  designing with SEO in mind so that users can find out
> about AGE is important
> > + possibly easier to build docs: right now we're using a Github workflow
> to generate these, and we could possibly wrap all of this into a single
> step of static site generation with Hugo
> > + possible blog:  another important aspect of both SEO and community
> engagement is a blog, which can show examples and use cases of AGE's new
> functionality with each release. The approval process for blog posts should
> probably part of a separate conversation.
> >
> > Looking forward to hearing the community's thoughts.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nick Sorrell
> >
> >

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