
I had a question – what is the default thrift port for aurora scheduler, which 
uses TBinaryProtocol?

I have installed Aurora-0.16 scheduler/executor on the Mesos-1.0.1 cluster, and 
only been able to use the THttpClient over TJSONProtocol (port 8081). Aurora 
site mentions that they have enabled TBinaryProtocol for 0.16 version, but 
somehow I am not able to find the binary port. It would be great if you could 
provide some guidance here.

Thanks and Regards,
Gourav Shenoy

From: Renan DelValle <rdelv...@binghamton.edu>
Reply-To: "dev@airavata.apache.org" <dev@airavata.apache.org>
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 4:31 PM
To: Suresh Marru <sma...@apache.org>
Cc: Airavata Dev <dev@airavata.apache.org>, Madhusudhan Govindaraju 
Subject: Re: Mesos based meta-scheduling for Airavata

I wish I had the bandwidth to help with this. I'll do my best to answer any 
pointed questions (if there are any) on the Aurora irc/slack chat.


On Oct 17, 2016 11:38 PM, "Suresh Marru" 
<sma...@apache.org<mailto:sma...@apache.org>> wrote:
Hi Renan,

Since you did a similar exercise using Go [1], it will be nice to see your 
feedback and guidance on the discussions Gourav is summarizing below.


[1] - http://markmail.org/thread/ymj7yqvvbhrjwv3s

On Oct 17, 2016, at 11:32 PM, Shenoy, Gourav Ganesh 
<goshe...@indiana.edu<mailto:goshe...@indiana.edu>> wrote:

Hi dev,

Now that I have been able to get jobs scheduled via Aurora, I thought I should 
summarize my understanding. I would also like to briefly draw out the plan 
which I am working on with respect to using Mesos with Airavata.

Apache Aurora:

•         Aurora, similar to Marathon & Chronos, is a service scheduler 
framework for Mesos. It has been built for scheduling long running services & 
cron jobs on Mesos.
•         The advantage with Aurora (over Marathon & Chronos) is that it works 
well for one-off jobs as well – i.e. If I want to run a job and get the output, 
Aurora is a better fit than Marathon & Chronos, since Marathon will never let 
the job exit (and keep restarting it on slaves) & Chronos is ONLY for crons.
•         Aurora also allows fine grained control of the jobs that need to be 
submitted – the concept of jobs, tasks, processes – a job can consist of one or 
more tasks, and a task can consist of one or more processes.
•         Aurora manages jobs that are made up of tasks; Mesos manages the 
tasks that consist of processes; Thermos (is the Aurora executor) manages the 
•         We can control resource utilization at task level because of the 
above job abstractions that Aurora provides.
•         Among many other features, a useful one is the resource-quota 
management for users & the ability to support multiple users to run jobs.

Current focus:

•         I am currently working on building a Thrift based client for Aurora, 
and have been successful in implementing one, but with limited operations.
•         I will be adding support for more operations keeping them aligned to 
Airavata job submission/monitoring requirements.
•         I am currently focusing on targeting Airavata deployment to Mesos on 
a single cluster (eg: AWS). The flow would look like follows:
•         As you can see, currently there is just a single Mesos cluster. The 
future focus would be to expand this to have multiple clusters.

Subsequent work:
•         Once we are able to test Airavata deployment to single cluster 
successfully, we can expand this to a multi-cluster environment.
•         Here we would multiple Mesos clusters which would somehow need to be 
managed. But, the overall flow would look like follows:

•         We can either have multiple Mesos masters (for each individual 
cluster), that are connected to each other via VPN, or have a single master – 
in which case we would need to consider all other nodes as slaves.
•         This is a design issue which needs discussion, and Suresh has some 
ideas on how to do this.

Thanks and Regards,
Gourav Shenoy

From: Suresh Marru <sma...@apache.org<mailto:sma...@apache.org>>
Reply-To: "dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>" 
Date: Friday, October 7, 2016 at 11:43 PM
To: Airavata Dev <dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>>
Subject: Re: Mesos based meta-scheduling for Airavata

Hi Gourav,

Thank you for the nice informative summaries, posts like these are always 
educational. Keep’em coming.


On Oct 7, 2016, at 10:56 PM, Shenoy, Gourav Ganesh 
<goshe...@indiana.edu<mailto:goshe...@indiana.edu>> wrote:

Hi dev,

I have been exploring different frameworks for Mesos which would help our 
use-case of providing Airavata the capability to run jobs in a Mesos based 
ecosystem. In particular, I have been playing around with Marathon & Chronos 
and I am now going to be working on Apache Aurora.

I have summarized my understanding about Mesos, Marathon & Chronos below. I 
will send out a separate email about Aurora later.

Apache Mesos:

•         Apache Mesos is an open-source cluster manager, in the sense that it 
helps deploy & manage different frameworks (or applications) in a large 
clustered environment easily.
•         Mesos provides the ability to utilize underlying shared pool of nodes 
as a single compute unit – That is, it can run many applications on these nodes 
•         Mesos uses the concept of “offers” for scheduling and running jobs on 
the underlying nodes. When a framework (application) wants to run 
computations/jobs on the cluster, Mesos will decide how many resources it will 
“offer” that framework based on the availability. The framework will then 
decide which resources to use from the offer, and subsequently run the 
computation/job on that resource.
•         In a typical cluster, you will have 3 or more Mesos masters & 
multiple Mesos slaves. Multiple mesos masters help in providing high 
availability – if one master goes down, Mesos will reelect a new leader 
(master) – using Zookeeper.
•         The task mentioned above of providing “offers” to frameworks is done 
by a master, whereas the slaves are the ones who run these computations.

•         Some additional points:
o    I built a Mesos cluster with 3 masters & 2 slaves on EC2.
o    Each master & slave have 1GB of RAM & 1vCPU with 20GB of disk space.


•         Marathon is considered a framework that runs on top of Mesos. It is a 
container orchestration platform for Mesos and essentially acts as a service 
•         It is named “marathon” because it is intended for long running 
applications. That is, Marathon makes sure that the service it is running never 
stops – if a service goes down or the slave on which the service is run dies, 
marathon keeps re-starting it on different slaves.
•         In some sense Marathon is very good for ensuring high availability of 
services. That is, instead of running services directly on Mesos, run it in 
Marathon if you never want it to die.
Note: You can decide to run a service on multiple slave nodes and if resources 
on these slaves are available, Mesos will “offer” them to Marathon.
•         It is called a container orchestration platform because it “launches” 
these services inside a container – either Docker OR Mesos container.
•         In my opinion it is not a suitable “job scheduler” for Airavata 
because in Airavata we need to run a job and get the output rather than keeping 
it running always. Instead, we can run other schedulers – chronos/aurora as a 
service in Marathon.


•         Chronos is a Cron scheduler for Mesos. It is good for running 
scheduled jobs – jobs that need to be run for a certain number of times, 
repeatedly after certain intervals.
•         Chronos also provides the ability to add dependencies between jobs – 
That is, if a job1 is dependent on another job2 then it will run job1 first and 
then run job2 after job1 completes. It also builds a Directed Acyclic Graph 
(DAG) based on these dependencies.
•         Similar to Marathon, Chronos receives “offers” from Mesos master 
whenever it needs to run a job on Mesos.
•         Again, I found that Chronos does not fit the Airavata use-case since 
I could not find a way to run one-off jobs via Chronos – you need to specify 
interval time for Chronos, & Chronos then re-runs the job after that interval 
is complete (even if you decide to specify num. of repetitions=1).

Some additional points:
•         Marathon & Chronos both have REST API support – eg: you can submit 
jobs via APIs along with other interactions such as list jobs, etc.
•         I installed Marathon & Chronos frameworks on the Mesos master nodes. 
This is how their health looks like on the Mesos dashboard:

                As you can see, there are 3 active tasks running in Chronos & 4 
active tasks (long running) in Marathon.

•         I also installed Chronos as a service inside Marathon, and this is 
how it looks like in the Marathon UI:

Interestingly, Chronos (as a service in Marathon) was smart enough to identify 
the jobs submitted via Chronos (as a framework on Mesos) & vice-versa.

•         Also, Mesos dashboard lists the active tasks it is running & details 
about which slave the task is running on. It also lists Completed tasks. The 
“Sandbox” gives you access to the stdout/stderr files for the tasks as well as 
any other directories that were created as part of the task.


Pardon me for this long email. Next, I will explore Apache Aurora which seems a 
better fit for Airavata use-case because it provides the features that Chronos 
supports, as well as can run one-off jobs.

Thanks and Regards,
Gourav Shenoy

From: "Shenoy, Gourav Ganesh" 
Reply-To: "dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>" 
Date: Friday, September 23, 2016 at 4:43 PM
To: "dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>" 
Subject: Mesos based meta-scheduling for Airavata

Hi Dev,

I am working on this project of building a Mesos based meta-scheduler for 
Airavata, along with Shameera & Mangirish. Here is the jira 

•         We have identified some tasks that would be needed for achieving 
this, and at the higher level it would consist of:
1.      Resource provisioning – We need to provision resources on cloud & hpc 
infrastructures such as EC2, Jetstream, Comet, etc.
2.      Building a cluster – Deploying a Mesos cluster on set of nodes obtained 
from (1) above for task management.
3.      Selecting a scheduler – We need to investigate the scheduler to use 
with Mesos cluster. Some of the options are Marathon, Aurora. But we need to 
find one that suits our needs of running serial as well as parallel (MPI) jobs.
4.      Installing & running applications on this cluster – Once the cluster 
has been deployed and a scheduler choice made, we need to be able to install 
and run applications on this cluster using Airavata.

•         Until now we were able to look into the following:
o   Resource provisioning:
•  We explored several options of provisioning resources – using cloud 
libraries as well as via ansible scripts.
•  We built a OpenStack4J Java module which would provision instances on 
OpenStack based clouds (eg: Jetstream).
•  We also built a CloudBridge Python module for provisioning EC2 instances on 
Amazon. CloudBridge can also be used to provision instances on OpenStack
•  We wrote Ansible scripts for bringing up instances on both AWS and OpenStack 
based clouds.

•  Key Points: CloudBridge, OpenStack4J are powerful libraries for resource 
provisioning, but currently they do single-instance provisioning, and not 
support templated boot options such as CloudFormation (for AWS) & Heat (for 

o   Building a cluster:
•  We wrote Ansible script for deploying a Mesos-Marathon cluster on a set of 
nodes. This script will install necessary dependencies such as Zookeeper.
•  We tested this on OpenStack based clouds & on EC2.
•  OpenStack Magnum provides excellent support for doing resource provisioning 
& deploying mesos cluster, but we are running into some problems while trying 

o   Installing a scheduler:
•  Our Ansible script is currently installing Marathon as the scheduler on 
Mesos. We haven’t yet submitted jobs using Marathon.

•         Although not finalized, but we are inclined towards using Ansible 
approach for the above, as Ansible also provides Python APIs and which will 
allow us to integrate it with Airavata via Thrift. Hence we will be able to 
easily invoke the Ansible scripts from code without needing to use the 
command-line interface.

•         We are also progressively working on some work-items such as:
o   Exploring options to provision and deploy a Mesos-Marathon cluster on HPC 
systems such as Comet. The challenge would be to use Ansible to provision 
resources and deploy the cluster. Once we have a cluster, we can try running 
o   Exploring different scheduler options for running serial and parallel (MPI) 
jobs on such heterogeneous clusters.
o   Exploring orchestration options such as OpenStack Heat, AWS CloudFormation, 
OpenStack Magnum, etc.

Any suggestions and comments are highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
Gourav Shenoy

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