​Hi Supun,


I have checked code and looked into the GuiFileUploadTask  and further plan to 
replace the same connector code with

the API that will  connect with the nextcloud server.

 If I am not wrong, seadgrid.properties has the details of the file server 
where the input files are uploaded. I believe

the Airavata API will pick up the input files from the current remote server 
that is configured in the seagrid.properties

and do you have any suggestions about how the output files are written or 
downloaded from the remote

server? There is another file called GuiFileDownloadTask in the same storage 
path, I believe this will download the files when

the experiment is completed, and to be sure the Airavata is writing the output 
files to the same remote directory?


Karan ​

From: Supun Nakandala <supun.nakand...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:53 PM
To: Kotabagi, Karan
Cc: dev@airavata.apache.org
Subject: Re: GSoC 2018 - Integration of the Nextcloud with Apache Airavata

Looks good!

To make your life easy here are some code pointers :)

The SFTP integration code is located here 
 Specifically the file manager api methods are implemented here 

For the SFTP authentication, the current client uses the OAuth token given by 
the SciGaP identity provider as the password. The Username is same as SEAGrid 

As per the current implementation (someone please correct me if this has been 
changed recently) Airavata GFac requires the file paths to be absolute paths. 
However, the SFTP server provides a virtual file system view the root directory 
is actually a directory named by the username in the host file system. So there 
is some file path conversions happening between SFTP paths and paths used when 
creating experiment metadata. This can be configured here 

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 7:44 PM, Kotabagi, Karan 
<kkota...@iu.edu<mailto:kkota...@iu.edu>> wrote:

Hi Supun,

Please find the following answers to the questions:

​1. As per my knowledge resumable uploads for the Nextcloud has been 
implemented at the client side, I still need to check regarding the

    same with respect to the server side implementation.

    Reference: https://github.com/nextcloud/android/issues/159

2. Nextcloud can be integrated with the third-party authentication schemes 
using OAuth/OpenID.




From: Supun Nakandala 
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2018 10:25 PM
To: Kotabagi, Karan
Cc: dev

Subject: Re: GSoC 2018 - Integration of the Nextcloud with Apache Airavata

Hi Karan,

Quick couple of questions,

1. Does NextCloud support resumable file uploads? (Meaning you can upload part 
of the file now and the rest later)
2. Can we integrate NextCloud with third-party authentication schemes using 

On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 7:05 PM, Kotabagi, Karan 
<kkota...@iu.edu<mailto:kkota...@iu.edu>> wrote:

         ****************Resending the email as I had missed the 

Hi Supun,

Thanks, I will try to create an account at the link and test the login.

You can find the project proposal is at the following link.




From: Supun Nakandala 
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2018 9:52 PM
To: dev
Subject: Re: GSoC 2018 - Integration of the Nextcloud with Apache Airavata

Hi Karan,

You should be able to login with the seagrid.org<http://seagrid.org> 
https://seagrid.org/create login credentials. You may need to create an account 
there (if you don't have one already) and get it approved. Until your account 
is approved you will not be able to login.

BTW, is your project proposal publically accessible?


On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 6:36 PM, Kotabagi, Karan 
<kkota...@iu.edu<mailto:kkota...@iu.edu>> wrote:

Hi All,

I am working with the following as the part of the Google Summer of Code 2018 
project to integrate the Nextcloud with the Apache Airavata.

I am starting to  work with the Seagrid rich client Java Fx application to 
replace the airavata file manager with the Nextcloud.

I followed the build steps in the readme file of the github repo


First, I was able to run the script as in the jamberoo-libs directory and  
execute "mvn_install_libs.sh"

Next, I am able to build the project successfully with the command "mvn -P 
update-deployment clean package"

I was able to build a native installer with the command  "mvn -P 
update-deployment install" and run the
app at the path "seagrid-rich-client/target/installer/fxlauncher.jar", I 
believe this is the right jar file to start the application.

I was able to start the application as attached in the screenshot 

Although, I am not able to login to the application with the CLI login, my next 
task would be to figure
out on how to login to the application and test the sample upload of the files.

Do the client applications have the separate authentication system? Would I 
have to request the
separate access for the separate clients? If yes then where can I request the 
access for this Seagrid javaFx
desktop application?


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