Hello Airflow team,

Please advise if you can. In our environment, we have noticed that dynamic 
tasks place quite of stress on scheduler, webserver and increase MySQL DB 
We are run about 1000 Dynamic Tasks every 30 min and parsing time increases 
from 5 to 65 sec with Runtime from 2sec to 350+ . This happens at execution 
time then it drops to normal while still executing tasks.
Webserver hangs for few minutes.

Airflow 1.10.1.


Dynamic Tasks:
Number of DAGs: 44
Total task number: 950
DagBag parsing time: 65.879642000000001

Static Tasks:
Number of DAGs: 73
Total task number: 1351
DagBag parsing time: 1.731088

Is this something you aware of? Any advises on Dynamic tasks optimization/best 

Thank you in advance,

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