I think it makes sense and I'm a +1.

For the convenience of other readers I'll paste your rationale here:

The rationale i have - that from the point of view of provider, it's just a
> dependency change (which we generally consided non-breaking) and it does
> not break people's workflows in general at all.
> If you are on Airflow 2.2, you cannot install this release anyway. So the
> change is not breking - from the point of view of Airflow 2.2 user, there
> is no change. The user will have to continue using old provider.
> If you are on Airflow 2.3, you install it and it "just works". No breaking
> in your workflow whatsoever.
> There are two questions/potential problems/considerations here:
> You could accidentally bring your airflow up if you have Airflow 2.2 and
> force installation of 2.3+provider. I'd argue it's a problem of the user
> and the most we can do it is to warn user about it in the documentation.
> This is also true for many of our dependencies. There are a number of
> dependencies that - when upgraded independently - might bring airlfow
> version up (for example sqlalchemy bump to 1.4 will upgrade airflow to
> 2.3). Unfortunately pip works like that and we cannot do anything about
> it - everything that happens there happens long before any of our code is
> executed and we cannot even give a warning to the user when the user
> attempts to do so. Here potentially the "major" bump might give the user a
> pause, but I argue that this is a very weak signal - the major bump should
> signal incompatibilities in the provider itself, not potential problems
> with Airflow. Luckily this is not destructive nowadays. User will get
> information about migrations not applied and will be able to recover.
> I was thinking whether it shoudl be a "feature" or "patchlevel" bump. I
> chose "feature" pretty arbitrary here and without any good "reason". SemVer
> does not really address this case so we are free to choose whatever we feel
> is appropriate. And I think personally that signalling minor bump is a bit
> more prominent. We do not (I think) make it a breaking change (see above),
> but we also do not want to make it a "meh" change. We need to pick some
> scheme that will allow us to publish it as a new package in PyPI even
> without any changes. So I chose "feature". But it could be "patchlevel" as
> well. Both "patchlevel" and "feature" are not breaking (probably) user's
> workflow so choosing one over another is pretty arbitrary decision.

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