Thanks for starting this discussion Jarek!

I think it's very important for us to get on the same page as a community about 

I'd love to go with a more flexible/common sense approach for considering 
breaking changes, and in a perfect world I think this would be best. However, I 
also think it will be very hard to document a policy that is clear enough to 
make the decision making for each case straightforward (we're also missing data 
to make those customer impact assessments too).

Suggestion 1 from Bolke is actually quite an appealing approach to me. The 
advantage I love is that it allows us to remain quite strict on SemVer which is 
a huge benefit. Since being very strict means that the decision-making is easy 
and keeps the overhead low (gets you out of the "discussions, discussions, 
discussions" loop). Since, again, it will be harder to otherwise document a 
common-sense based policy that covers all the edge cases clearly enough (like 
ones which have already been brought up in this thread).


From: Bolke de Bruin <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 5:51:32 AM
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL][DISCUSSION] Assessing what is a breaking change for 
Airflow (SemVer context)

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I beg to differ too and I do think that Alexander is right in what he wants to 
accomplish. Large installations do want to do rolling upgrades and not bring a 
cluster down for an upgrade. It should be possible to run Airflow Core 2.4 with 
for example 2.3 workers. It should however not happen through reliance on the 
DB schema but through a (non-public) API specification. This requires 
significant architectural improvements. It means decoupling workers from the 
DB, but also Tasks. It requires backoff periods and strict versioning on the 
API. It would really improve security (availability, integrity). It is 
partially addressed in one of the AIPs but imho not sufficiently.

Now Airflow is just a monolith packaged in PODs or microservices.

Something for the future (hopefully :-) ).


On 22 November 2022 at 12:40:07, Abhishek Bhakat 


I Beg to differ with Alexander and agree with Jarek. There are multiple ways to 
deploy Airflow. Mostly commonly used is docker images, in that case using one 
image for all components is standard practice. If using native pip 
installations, airflow components are launched by a single pip module. So, to 
have different versions of components (as you mentioned) is adding extra work 
just to keep them out of sync. A basic common sense would be not to take extra 
steps to self sabotage.


On 22-Nov-2022 at 4:35:09 PM, Alexander Shorin 
<<>> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 1:37 PM Jarek Potiuk 
<<>> wrote:
BTW. "Workers from 2.2" used with "Airflow 2.4" is not even a thing.
This is something that you should never, ever, try to do.
This is even more common sense, and there are of course limits of what
you can describe in the docs (whatever you come up with, someone might
have a super crazy idea that you have not thought about and - for
example - run Airflow 1.10 worker With Airflow 2 (why not? We have not
written it should not happen).

At scale, you cannot upgrade all the versions and keep them in sync all the 
time. For minor versions compatibility is expected. Obviously, it doesn't for 
major one. It is common sense and practice in the real world, sorry.


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