Thinking about this some more.

As an airflow developer, a lot of our backcompat concerns (which takes up a
substantial portion of our energy), is about the concern that we might
break something for someone who has extended either built-in classes or
provider classes.  Maybe we are to permissive in this way.  Following the
example with executors, maybe we should instead try to pull back just a bit
on what we promise concerning backcompat.

Take for example secrets backend.  Perhaps what should be public is
BaseSecretsBackend -- the interface -- and not any of the implementations
we offer such as the AWS SecretsManagerBackend.  And again,
BaseSecretsBackend is the interface, and its methods, when public, are part
of the public interface, and subject to semver.  However, instance, such as
secrets manager, are subject to semver with regard to their user-facing
behavior, but not with regard to their internal structure, which is
implementation detail.  In other words, AWS SecretsManagerBackend is
provided as an end product, not as a library to be inhereted, and is not
itself another public interface.  And of course users are free to extend
this code, but we simply make no promises with recard to backcompat for
these *implementations.*

And the same could be true of most of our provider operators -- they are
end products, and their user-facing behavior is subject to semver, but the
specific code and implementation details are *not* subject to semver and
its assumed that if you extend them then you do so with the knowledge that
you have to either vendor in the operator code or just test before ugprades
and make changes accordingly etc.



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