Just on the question of semver, I am not convinced that semver prohibits

As a user, your concerns and expectations regarding semver are about
essentially how the code works, e.g. are you going to have to refactor all
of your 500 dags.  In other words the API..  But to me this is a lower
level thing that doesn't seem should strictly be forbidden.  It's like...
when we change the dependencies in airflow, inevitably that will break
someone's cluster if they blindly deploy to prod.  But this is not a
prudent thing to do. So I think it's not an unreasonable expectation that a
user verify that their cluster will spin up.  It's something you can verify
without running any dags at all (i.e. if you set dask executor and you
start airflow, i think airflow will not start).  And then users can rely on
semver about changing behavior, which is not something you necessarily can
tell without running dags.

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