Hello here,

I have a proposal to add a general policy that all our providers depending
on common.sql provider always use >= LATEST_MNOR version of the provider.

For example, following the change here
https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/38707  by David we will update all
sql providers to have: airflow-providers-common-sql >= 1.12. We could of
course automate that with pre-commit so that we do not have to remember
about it.

Why ?

Because it's very easy by a provider to accidentally use a new feature in
common.sql without bumping the version. Current situation is like in the
image attached (thanks David), but we cannot be certain that the
"min-versions" there are "good"..

A bit more context:

Generally speaking - common.sql **should** be backwards compatible - like -
always. We should not make any changes in it's API (which is for-now
captured here:
). And from time to time we add new things to common.sql that providers
might start using.


>From the https://lists.apache.org/thread/lzcpllwcgo7pc8g18l3b905kn8f9k4w8
thread the new "suppress_and_warn"  method is going to be added.

Currently we have no good mechanism to verify if the min version in
provider dependencies is really "good". For example when we add
`suppress_and_warn` today and someone starts using  `suppress_and_warn` in
the "presto" (for example) provider tomorrow, without bumping common-sql to
>= 1.12 - it will fail with 1.11 or earlier installed.

On the other hand - all the tests we run in `main` use the "latest" version
of the `common.sql` and all the constraints we produce also use the latest
version released, so we can be rather sure that the new providers actually
work well with the latest `common.sql` version. If there will be a bug
about compatibility (happened in the past), then it should be fixed by
fixing it in a new patchlevel of the `common.sql`.

So in-general it should be "safe" to add >= LATEST MINOR of common.sql in
all providers.

Should we do (and automate) it ? Any other comments / proposals maybe ?

Here is the current state of dependencies:

[image: image.png]

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