Hello all and thanks for such an amazing project! I have been evaluating
Airflow and spent a few days reading about it and playing with it and I
have a few questions that I struggle to understand.

Let's say I have a simple DAG that runs once a day and it is doing a full
reload of tables from the source database so the process is not incremental.

Let's consider this scenario:

Day 1 - OK

Day 2 - airflow scheduler or server with airflow is down for some reason ((or
DAG is paused)

Day 3 - still down(or DAG is paused)

Day 4 - server is up and now needs to run missing jobs.

How can I make airflow to run only Day 4 job and not backfill Day 2 and 3?

I tried to do depend_on_past = True but it does not seem to do this trick.

I also found in a roadmap doc this but seems it is not made to the release

 Only Run Latest - Champion : Sid

• For cases where we need to only run the latest in a series of task
instance runs and mark the others as skipped. For example, we may have job
to execute a DB snapshot every day. If the DAG is paused for 5 days and
then unpaused, we don’t want to run all 5, just the latest. With this
feature, we will provide “cron” functionality for task scheduling that is
not related to ETL

My second question, what if I have another DAG that does incremental loads
from a source table:

Day 1 - OK, loaded new/changed data for previous day

Day 2 - source system is down (or DAG is paused), Airflow DagRun failed

Day 3 - source system is down (or DAG is paused), Airflow DagRun failed

Day 4 - source system is up, Airflow Dagrun succeeded

My problem (unless I am missing something), Airflow on Day 4 would use
execution time from Day 3, so the interval for incremental load would be
since the last run (which was Failed). My hope it would use the last
_successful_ run so on Day 4 it would go back to Day 1. Is it possible to
achieve this?

I am aware of a manual backfill command via CLI but I am not sure I want to
use due to all the issues and inconsistencies I've read about it.


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