Please make sure not to call it release at least 🙂

Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Nov 2018, at 22:51, Ash Berlin-Taylor <> wrote:
> Hi Hitesh,
> My understanding was that the only official place an Apache release can 
> happen from is 
> <> - so anything else is by 
> definition not an official Apache release.
> So i guess it depends on what we mean by "Apache" release - could it be 
> confused that it is in some way official, yes, possibly. Although the 
> end-user would have to go out of their way to find it and install it so the 
> risk was low, and I felt that the benefit to the community of being able to 
> test and install this easily was worth the small risk of confusion.
> Possibly something I should have asked (voted on?) first, or before we do 
> this in the future.
> -ash
>> On 12 Nov 2018, at 20:32, Hitesh Shah <> wrote:
>> Hello Ash
>> For someone who is not familiar with the beta notation or folks who do not
>> check whether it is signed or not, could this be confused as an apache
>> release? Also, is there a plan to clean up/delete this version within a
>> finite time window once the official release voting is kicked off?
>> thanks
>> Hitesh
>>> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 5:52 AM Naik Kaxil <> wrote:
>>> Good work Ash. Appreciate the clean and categorised Change Log.
>>> Regards,
>>> Kaxil
>>> On 09/11/2018, 13:45, "Ash Berlin-Taylor" <> wrote:
>>>   Hi Everyone,
>>>   I've just released a beta version of 1.10.1! Please could you test
>>> this and report back any problems you notice, and also report back if you
>>> tried it and it works fine. As this is the first time I've released Airflow
>>> there is possible that there are packaging mistakes too. I'm not calling
>>> for a vote just yet, but I will give this a few days until I start making
>>> release candidates and calling for a formal vote, probably on Monday or
>>> Tuesday.
>>>   In order to distinguish it from an actual (apache) release it is:
>>>   1. Marked as beta (python package managers do not install beta
>>> versions by default - PEP 440)
>>>   2. It is not signed
>>>   3. It is not at an official apache distribution location
>>>   It can be installed with SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE=yes pip install
>>> 'apache-airflow==1.10.1b1'
>>>   (Don't worry, without asking for `--pre` or specifying the version
>>> `pip install apache-airflow` will still get 1.10.0)
>>>   Thanks,
>>>   Ash
>>>   Included below is the changelog of this release:
>>>   New features:
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2524] Airflow integration with AWS Sagemaker
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2657] Add ability to delete DAG from web ui
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2780] Adds IMAP Hook to interact with a mail server
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2794] Add delete support for Azure blob
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2912] Add operators for Google Cloud Functions
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2974] Add Start/Restart/Terminate methods Databricks Hook
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2989] No Parameter to change bootDiskType for
>>> DataprocClusterCreateOperator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3078] Basic operators for Google Compute Engine
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3147] Update Flask-AppBuilder version
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3231] Basic operators for Google Cloud SQL (deploy / patch /
>>> delete)
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3276] Google Cloud SQL database create / patch / delete
>>> operators
>>>   Improvements:
>>>   [AIRFLOW-393] Add progress callbacks for FTP downloads
>>>   [AIRFLOW-520] Show Airflow version on web page
>>>   [AIRFLOW-843] Excpetions now available in context durint
>>> on_failure_callback
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2476] Update tabulate dependency to v0.8.2
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2592] Bump Bleach dependency
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2622] Add "confirm=False" option to SFTPOperator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2662] support affinity & nodeSelector policies for kubernetes
>>> executor/operator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2709] Improve error handling in Databricks hook
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2763] No precheck mechanism in place during worker
>>> initialisation for the connection to metadata database
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2789] Add ability to create single node cluster to
>>> DataprocClusterCreateOperator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2797] Add ability to create Google Dataproc cluster with
>>> custom image
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2854] kubernetes_pod_operator add more configuration items
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2855] Need to Check Validity of Cron Expression When Process
>>> DAG File/Zip File
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2904] Clean an unnecessary line in
>>> airflow/executors/
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2921] A trivial incorrectness in CeleryExecutor()
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2922] Potential deal-lock bug in CeleryExecutor()
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2932] GoogleCloudStorageHook - allow compression of file
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2949] Syntax Highlight for Single Quote
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2951] dag_run end_date Null after a dag is finished
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2956] Kubernetes tolerations for pod operator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2997] Support for clustered tables in Bigquery hooks/operators
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3006] Fix rrror when schedule_interval="None"
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3008] Move Kubernetes related example DAGs to
>>> contribe/example_dags
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3025] Allow to specify dns and dns-search parameters for
>>> DockerOperator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3067] (www_rbac) Flask flash messages are not displayed
>>> properly (no background color)
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3069] Decode output of S3 file transform operator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3090] INFO logs are too verbose
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3103] Update Flask-Login
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3112] Align SFTP hook with SSH hook
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3119] Enable loglevel on celery worker and inherit from
>>> airflow.cfg
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3137] Make ProxyFix middleware optional
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3173] Add _cmd options for more password config options
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3177] Change scheduler_heartbeat metric from gauge to counter
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3195] Druid Hook: Log ingestion spec and task id
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3197] EMR Hook is missing some parameters to valid on the AWS
>>> API
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3232] Make documentation for GCF Functions operator more
>>> readable
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3262] Can't get log containing Response when using
>>> SimpleHttpOperator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3265] Add support for "unix_socket" in connection extra for
>>> Mysql Hook
>>>   Doc-only changes:
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1441] Tutorial Inconsistencies Between Example Pipeline
>>> Definition and Recap
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2682] Add how-to guide(s) for how to use basic operators like
>>> BashOperator and PythonOperator
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3104] .airflowignore feature is not mentioned at all in
>>> documentation
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3237] Refactor example DAGs
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3187] Update airflow.gif file with a slower version
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3159] Update Airflow documentation on GCP Logging
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3030] Command Line docs incorrect subdir
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2990] Docstrings for Hooks/Operators are in incorrect format
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3127] Celery SSL Documentation is out-dated
>>>   Bug fixes:
>>>   [AIRFLOW-839] attempts to log status key without
>>> first checking existence
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1104] Concurrency check in scheduler should count queued
>>> tasks as well as running
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1163] Add support for x-forwarded-* headers to support access
>>> behind AWS ELB
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1195] Cleared tasks in SubDagOperator do not trigger Parent
>>> dag_runs
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1508] Skipped state not part of State.task_states
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1762] Use key_file in SSHHook.create_tunnel()
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1837] Differing start_dates on tasks not respected by
>>> scheduler.
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1874] Support standard SQL in Check, ValueCheck and
>>> IntervalCheck BigQuery operators
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1917] print() from python operators end up with extra new line
>>>   [AIRFLOW-1970] Database cannot be initialized if an invalid fernet key
>>> is provided
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2145] Deadlock after clearing a running task
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2216] Cannot specify a profile for AWS Hook to load with s3
>>> config file
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2574] initdb fails when mysql password contains percent sign
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2707] Error accessing log files from web UI
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2716] Replace new Python 3.7 keywords
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2744] RBAC app doesn't integrate plugins (blueprints etc)
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2772] BigQuery hook does not allow specifying both the
>>> partition field name and table name at the same time
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2778] Bad Import in collect_dag in DagBag
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2786] Variables view fails to render if a variable has an
>>> empty key
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2799] Filtering UI objects by datetime is broken
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2800] Remove airflow/ low-hanging linting errors
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2825] S3ToHiveTransfer operator may not may able to handle
>>> GZIP file with uppercase ext in S3
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2848] dag_id is missing in metadata table "job" for
>>> LocalTaskJob
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2860] DruidHook: time variable is not updated correctly when
>>> checking for timeout
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2865] Race condition between on_success_callback and
>>> LocalTaskJob's cleanup
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2893] Stuck dataflow job due to jobName mismatch.
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2895] Prevent scheduler from spamming heartbeats/logs
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2900] Code not visible for Packaged DAGs
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2905] Switch to regional dataflow job service.
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2907] Sendgrid - Attachments - ERROR - Object of type 'bytes'
>>> is not JSON serializable
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2938] Invalid 'extra' field in connection can raise an
>>> AttributeError when attempting to edit
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2979] Deprecated Celery Option not in Options list
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2981] TypeError in dataflow operators when using GCS jar or
>>> py_file
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2984] Cannot convert naive_datetime when task has a naive
>>> start_date/end_date
>>>   [AIRFLOW-2994] flatten_results in BigQueryOperator/BigQueryHook should
>>> default to None
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3002] ValueError in dataflow operators when using GCS jar or
>>> py_file
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3012] Email on sla miss is send only to first address on the
>>> list
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3046] ECS Operator mistakenly reports success when task is
>>> killed due to EC2 host termination
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3064] No output from `airflow test` due to default logging
>>> config
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3072] Only admin can view logs in RBAC UI
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3079] Improve initdb to support MSSQL Server
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3089] Google auth doesn't work under http
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3099] Errors raised when some blocs are missing in airflow.cfg
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3109] Default user permission should contain 'can_clear'
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3111] Confusing comments and instructions for log templates
>>> in and default_airflow.cfg
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3124] Broken webserver debug mode (RBAC)
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3136] Scheduler Failing the Task retries run while processing
>>> Executor Events
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3138] Migration cc1e65623dc7 creates issues with postgres
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3161] Log Url link does not link to task instance logs in
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3162] HttpHook fails to parse URL when port is specified
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3183] Potential Bug in
>>> utils/dag_processing/DagFileProcessorManager.max_runs_reached()
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3203] Bugs in DockerOperator & Some operator test scripts
>>> were named incorrectly
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3238] Dags, removed from the filesystem, are not deactivated
>>> on initdb
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3268] Cannot pass SSL dictionary to mysql connection via URL
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3277] Invalid timezone transition handling for cron schedules
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3295] Require encryption in DaskExecutor when certificates
>>> are configured.
>>>   [AIRFLOW-3297] EmrStepSensor marks cancelled step as successful
>>> Kaxil Naik
>>> Data Reply
>>> Nova South
>>> 160 Victoria Street, Westminster
>>> London SW1E 5LB - UK
>>> phone: +44 (0)20 7730 6000

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