- **status**: code-review --> closed
- **Milestone**: limbo --> forge-jun-13


** [tickets:#7436] /auth/preferences cleanup**

**Status:** closed
**Milestone:** forge-jun-13
**Labels:** 42cc 
**Created:** Tue Jun 03, 2014 07:44 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:33 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

* Add a section at the top of readonly information, show:
    * Username: {{username}}
    * `<a href="{{user.private_project().url()}}">My profile and my 
    * `<a href="{{user.private_project().url()}}admin/overview">Set avatar 
* `password_change_form` and `upload_key_form` shouldn't be tied to the theme.  
Move the forms to a better place (auth something..)
* Make every part of the page (`password_change_form` and `upload_key_form`, 
Display Name, Page Size, Email, User Messages, etc in a unique jinja block.  
Instead of "if" statements that check `auth.method` or the theme, every section 
on the page should be contained in a block so that a simple [template 
 can be set up for `user_prefs.html` and any individual block can be made to be 
empty (or something else)
* Improve the layout between each section as best you can.  And within the 
email block especially.  It seems like everything is just run together.  It is 
extra confusing that there a multiple separate forms with their own save 
buttons.  I think dedicated forms for pwd change and ssh keys makes sense, but 
it is confusing to have so many forms on the page.  I am open to suggestions 
for the multiple forms issue.  Best idea I have so far is to have a `<hr>` 
between each form, to visually show the separations.  (Ideally would have it 
all auto-save ajax or all one single form, but those would be big projects).


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