Hello everyone,

My name is Paul Bustios, I'm a student at University of Sao Paulo and I'm
interested in participating in GSoC 2019 with you. I've already installed
Allura, but I had some problems:

I use Mac OS X, so first I tried to install Allura using Docker (I'm using
Docker CE v18.09.2 and Docker Compose v1.23.2), but after executing the

$ docker-compose run web scripts/init-docker-dev.sh

I got the following error:

Creating allura_mongo_1 ... error

Creating allura_solr_1  ... error
onfigure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> File Sharing.\r\nSee
https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/osxfs/#namespaces for more

ERROR: for allura_solr_1  Cannot start service solr: b'Mounts denied:
\r\nThe path /allura-data/solr\r\nis not shared from OS X and is not known
to Docker.\r\nYou can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences...
-> File Sharing.\r\nSee
https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/osxfs/#namespaces for more

ERROR: for mongo  Cannot start service mongo: b'Mounts denied: \r\nThe path
/allura-data/mongo\r\nis not shared from OS X and is not known to
Docker.\r\nYou can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... ->
File Sharing.\r\nSee
https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/osxfs/#namespaces for more

ERROR: for solr  Cannot start service solr: b'Mounts denied: \r\nThe path
/allura-data/solr\r\nis not shared from OS X and is not known to
Docker.\r\nYou can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... ->
File Sharing.\r\nSee
https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/osxfs/#namespaces for more
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

I saw init-docker-dev.sh contains the commands to create
'/allura-data/solr', but these directories are supposed to be created in
the container, right? And the directives 'volumes' in the
docker-compose.yml file are trying to mount the host paths
'/allura-data/...', which do not exist. Is that why I'm getting those
errors? or am I doing something wrong?

Then, I tried to install Ubuntu 16.04 in VirtualBox. I downloaded the
mini.iso, but the installation failed due to this recent bug

So, I decided to install Ubuntu 18.04 using its mini.iso. After that, I
installed Allura following the instructions in
I had to modify some steps.

First, pip fails to build the wheel for Cryptography 1.4 with libssl-dev
(which in Ubuntu 18.04 depends on libssl1.1 and not libssl1.0 as in Ubuntu
16.04), so I had to install libssl1.0.0 and libssl1.0-dev instead (I think
Cryptography should be upgraded to version 2.4.2 at least).

Second, the command:

$ sudo -H -u solr bash -c 'cp -R solr_config/allura/ /var/solr/data/'

didn't work for me. I got this error:

$ cp: cannot stat: 'solr_config/allura': Permission denied

apparently the user solr didn't have permission to read
'solr_config/allura/', so I had to change it by:

$ sudo cp -R solr_config/allura /var/solr/data
$ sudo chown -R solr /var/solr/data/allura

Also, NodeJs 4.x is not supported in Ubuntu 18.04, so I ended up installing
NodeJs 8.10.

Should I continue using Ubuntu 18.04? Or would it be better to install
Ubuntu 16.04?

Best regards,

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