Hello folks,
Thanks for the reply.  I was thinking of more like automatically increasing 
(for RU) or decreasing (for rolling downgrade) like by 10 against the base port 
( aka whatever port value a customer may specify during the cluster 
installation time, may not be the default 10000 though).

For example, if the customer set HiveServer2 port to 30000, then I guess the 
upgrade logic would ideally be able to change it to 30010 for RU (like 
port_value + 10)  and set that back to 30000 (like port_value - 10) for 

 From: Alejandro Fernandez <afernan...@hortonworks.com>
 To: "dev@ambari.apache.org" <dev@ambari.apache.org>; Di Li 
<lovelyco...@yahoo.com>; Nate Cole <nc...@hortonworks.com>; Jonathan Hurley 
 Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:22 PM
 Subject: Re: RU: HiveServer2 port conflict when RU 2.2 to 2.3 then to 2.4 ?
That's a good observation. I think it should have logic to always swap.
If hive.server2.transport.mode is set to "binary", then swap
hive.server2.thrift.port between 10,000 and 10,010
If hive.server2.transport.mode is set to "http", then swap
hive.server2.http.port    between 10,001 and 10,011


On 2/4/16, 1:10 PM, "Di Li" <lovelyco...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:

>Hello folks,
>When rolling upgrade HDP 2.2 to 2.3, HiveServer2 port is changed from
>10000 to 10010. The same port change logic is in upgrade-2.4.xml as well.
>But wouldn't this make no difference if I rolling upgrade a 2.3 cluster
>that was originally rolling upgrade from an HDP 2.2 cluster , where the
>port had already been changed to 10010? It'd be like changing the port
>from 10010 (on HDP 2.3) to 10010 (on HDP 2.4), right ?
>How does Ambari  handle Hive Server 2 port value change in  this
>continuously upgrade case?
>Thank you.
>Di Li


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