I have been wondering about the next steps myself, I'm eager to get at
least the demoed functionality to a usable state soon. If you like, we
could have a call one of these days?

Randall &/| Benjamin, would you then like to join? Otherwise I'd be glad
to catch up some other time with the two of you (and perhaps other
interested people!).

- Gerben

PS for your interest, I think the term "direct linking" was inherited
from Hypothesis; via.hypothes.is <https://via.hypothes.is> is very
similar to what you are making (as you probably already knew).

On 02.04.2018 09:40, Vincent den Boer wrote:
> Hi Gerben,
> Thanks for your quick reply and for the very useful clarifications! The demos 
> helped to get a more visual picture of what's going on.
> As for our use case, what we're implementing right now are 1) making 
> annotations to any page through a web extension, to store them locally, and 
> 2) 
> making annotations, which are stored on a server and shareable through a link 
> (which we internally call Direct Linking.) When such a link is followed, our 
> server fetches the page from the stored URL, injects a script into this HTML 
> to apply the stored annotations, and then returns the page to the user.
> In short, we need the functionality demonstrated in the demo you've sent  :)  
> How can we help you to get this into a state where we can implement it? Is 
> there a roadmap with important things to solve? From what you and Randall 
> say, 
> I believe we'll need to implement this before you ship the first version, so 
> we'd be to contribute to get this project closer to a more stable state.
> Best regards,
> Vincent
> On zaterdag 31 maart 2018 00:36:19 CEST Gerben wrote:
>> On 30.03.2018 12:31, Vincent den Boer wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> We're implementing a feature requiring annotations in WorldBrain.io, so
>>> I've begun looking into Apache Annotator. Scrounging the wiki and the
>>> website, I've come across links to AnnotatorJS and other projects, but
>>> have no idea how far Annotator has diverged from AnnotatorJS. Looking at
>>> the incubator-annotator I see some packages for anchoring annotations
>>> (docs anywhere?), but could anyone give me an idea how everything
>>> connects? As far as I've understood from the overview, Annotator's main
>>> job for now is to convert selectors into anchors, and vice-versa, right?
>>> Are there any more docs? And since I see no "index" key in the
>>> package.json, is it already meant to be used as a package? If so, what
>>> can we expect in terms of API stability?
>>> Thanks for your time!
>>> Best,
>>> Vince
>> Hi Vincent; cool you are looking at Annotator, sorry for the state it is
>> currently in. ;)
>> As for the relation with AnnotatorJS: there is overlap in people and
>> purpose, but it does not share any code. The approach this time is to
>> make a library of smaller modules, rather than a framework for a whole
>> annotation workflow. At least, that is my understanding so far.
>> As you already noticed, we started making packages for creating and
>> re-anchoring Web Annotation selectors
>> <https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/REC-annotation-model-20170223/#selectors>.
>> There is a simple demo in the source to show the idea; it can also be
>> played with here <https://temp.treora.com/annotator-demo/> (while it is
>> not on the Annotator website yet).
>> Regarding the readiness: it is not fit for using right away since only
>> the very basic cases have been implemented, but the setup is all there
>> to implement missing functionality. It mainly needs some more love to
>> help get it going!
>> Let know if you have more questions, want to share your use case, or
>> have ideas to contribute.
>> Cheers,
>> Gerben

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