Some years ago Stefan Bodewig and Jan Materne worked on this:



On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Jeffrey E Care <> wrote:
> Anders Rundgren <> wrote on 09/20/2012 09:27:10
> AM:
>> I guess I knew that this idea wouldn't get a big hooray...
>> If you had tried NAnt you would probably agree that in-line Java
>> is cooler than custom tasks because you (can) have the entire script
>> in one file.
>> The proposal wasn't to satisfy my own needs but to serve a large base
>> of Ant users who are considering jumping the ship for Maven and other
>> tools.
> I doubt I would agree.
> In my experience anything sufficiently complicated that it can't be
> handled by the standard tasks is going to require non-trivial custom code.
> No matter what technology I'm using to implement that custom code (e.g.
> javascript, java, groovy) I'm not going to want to clutter up my build.xml
> with it. I'm going to want to use my regular development tools to write
> that code.
> Having operated in both the Ant & Maven worlds my answer is the same: if I
> need to do something custom in Ant I'm going to want to write a
> full-fledged custom task instead of trying to inline it in my build.xml;
> if I need to do something custom in Maven I'm going to want to write a
> full-fledged mojo instead of trying to inline it in my POM.

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