Thanks Jan for initiating this.

On the ICLA front -  I already have contributed and continue to contribute to 
some other Apache projects (these days mostly via github). Do I still have to 
sign the ICLA? Is there a way to check if I have already signed this ICLA 
previously? I don’t remember if I was asked to do that for the other Apache 

As for patches, I had submitted one a while back and need someone to review it

Few other things:

- As I have noted in the past, in some mails[1] to the dev list, I am willing 
to help out in whatever way I can to move the project forward. As noted in some 
of those mails, I in no way have the complete understanding of the current 
codebase, but am willing to invest time as I go along to help fixing issues and 
adding enhancements wherever I can. One of the recent things I had attempted 
was to triage some issues in the Ivy JIRA and see if we can come to a decision 
on pushing out a new release with at least a few of them fixed. That discussion 
did get some community discussion but couldn’t achieve much given that there 
wasn’t any actionable involvement from those who could really do a release. In 
short, I would like to give this another try and see how it goes.

- From a development point of view, given that there aren’t many who are 
familiar with the codebase, it would really help build some kind of confidence 
level in submitted patches, if the github repo was backed by the usual PR 
processing mechanism that’s associated with many other Apache projects out 
there. What I mean is, submission of each PR triggering the builds, testcases 
through a build automation tool (like Jenkins) and reporting back with any 
issues with existing test cases. 

- Finally, IMO, given how long this project has gone without any development or 
a release, I think it would be good to really aim for a release in the next few 
months. It doesn’t have to contain too many fixes or enhancements, but 
something to get the release train going and making contributors feel it’s 
worth their time.

On the IvyDE front, I think in the past few months there was a community member 
who did do a good job, IMO, to make sure the builds are back to working, so I 
think that project too has seen someone who’s willing to help.


On 16-May-2017, at 3:19 PM, Jan Matèrne (jhm) <> wrote:

Hello community

the Ant PMC hasn't been able to keep up with bugs reported for Ivy and IvyDE
for a while now. The number of active committers with the required knowledge
of the code base is getting smaller and we are having a hard time evaluating

We'd like to revive Ivy and IvyDE, but we need your help.

If you are interested in developing Ivy, please step up and let us know. For

- Sign an ICLA (formal requirement)

- Start providing a patch, either as pull request on the Github mirror or
 as a patch attached to a JIRA issue. We also need people reviewing
 patches already present for existing issues.

- we'll discuss the patches and ask you to join us on the dev

- Please nag us if we seem to be ignoring patches for too long -
 this probably is already the case for existing issues.

Jan Matèrne, on behalf of the Apache Ant community

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