Merge commits always spam the commits list which, while annoying, I've
learned to mass-delete whenever it happens. ;)

I looked at some random changes and found a couple markup typos, but
otherwise it looks like it converted well enough.

I'm more familiar with the maven plugins for site management, so I'm not
sure about the integration aspects, but worst case scenario, can't you just
commit the parts to svnpubsub on release?

On 25 May 2017 at 09:00, Nicolas Lalevée <> wrote:

> I have updated the branch xooki2asciidoc. The merge generated 50 emails,
> which I still find weird, I would expect just one mail about the commit of
> the merge.
> I can see the current status of the transformation of the xooki source
> into asciidoc source and then the generated html from that here:
> <
> asciidoc/index.html>
> It seems pretty good, but I didn’t looked to most of the pages.
> Before going further, we need to figure out how it would be integrated to
> the website since it is also managed by xooki. The site and the
> documentation are tidily coupled by the toc which is managed by xooki.
> Nicolas

Matt Sicker <>

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