Thank you. I'm moving ahead with the new proposed task. Hopefully I should be able to have something functional in a few days.


On 14/12/17 5:14 PM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 2017-12-14, Jaikiran Pai wrote:

With that context, I would like to explain what I have attempted so
far and I would like inputs on whether I should follow this path
and/or if there are other suggestions on how we should go ahead. As
you are probably aware, the JUnitTask (the Ant task backing the
<junit> element) has very complex logic which deals with launching the
test runners responsible for running JUnit tests (3.x or 4.x). IMO,
most this logic can now be handed off to the JUnit 5 platform
launcher, using their APIs.
In addition some of the complexity inside of JUnitTask stems from the
fact that it must not refer to any JUnit 4.x API in order to be usable
in a pure JUnit 3.x environment. If you try to add JUnit 5 on top of
that this sounds diffciult.

I too had toyed with the idea of adding JUnit5 support but it is quite a
bit further down my TODO list and I've not looked into JUnit5 as deeply
as you did. What you've got so far looks promising, please please push

My idea was to create a completely new task and mainly try to keep the
XML output the way it has been for some fifteen years so junitreport
would still work. I even though about placing it in a separate antlib
rather than Ant's core to allow it get released independently.

My vote would go to a separate task.


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