On 2018-07-03, Jan Matèrne (jhm) wrote:

> We already have something:
> mail: "This task may depend on external libraries that are not included in
> the Ant distribution. See Library Dependencies for more information."
> dependencies:
> "mail.jar     Mail task with Mime encoding, and the MimeMail task
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-138643.html
>  activation.jar       Mail task with Mime encoding, and the MimeMail task
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jaf-135115.html";

Well at least we should update the links :-)

Given javax.activation has been part of the core lib for a few releases
(IIRC it was added in Java6 and now gets removed again) people will not
have installed it and now are caught by surprise. Therefore I suggest to
create a FAQ entry for it and add an additional hint to the mail task

> So what changed with Java10?

The blurb about activation.jar being an external library has become true
again. It is false when using Java6 to 9.


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